Quick Question on Feeding...


Active Member

if you're watering 2-3x's in a week, are you feeding 2 out of the 3x's and doing straight water on the 3rd round? Do you feed day 1, water day 2, etc? Just curious on what everyone is doing. I'm using these numbers as an example.



Well-Known Member
As a rule of thumb I use water , Water, feed (at 1500 ppm). Unless they are showing signs of wanting more food, I have a super lemon haze that I have been water, feed, water (at 1500 ppm) Marijuana doesn't have a set schedule for watering or feeding just watch your plants they will tell you what they need. Now remember if you are growing in Hydro medium the changes are much quicker than in soil.

But, what the hell do I know I am just a stoner