Quick question...NUTRIENTS!!!

Ok, so everywhere I have asked this I keep getting VAGUE answers.. I need someone to help!!

I am starting a small grow soon (will do a journal and all) and the biggest question (and the main reason my first grow was not as good as it could be) is nutrients!!! I have found a good soil I am going to use it is a potting soil mix with no nuts or anything it is clean!! But now I need to know what amount of nuts to add!!! I have researched and found that a high N value is recommended for vegging and that a higher P value is used in flower..

Now what I'm thinking is using a 12-4-8 NPK value for vegging (a week or two after germination) and a 10-15-10 NPK for flowering!!

any suggestions????
try a more level fertilizer for vegging like 6,6,6. and flowering try like a 15,5,15. but just experiment for your own liking


Well-Known Member
What nutes do you have? and it sounds like ur starting from seed

For the first week or two from seed dont add nutes. after that use a light dose 200-400ppm (parts per million). As the plant gets bigger you add a solution with higher ppm's but the max u wanna give them is gonna be about 1500 but thats far into flowering. You can buy a meter and test your solution to figure out ppm or sometimes there's a ppm chart on the bottle.

To make it simple you could just do ¼-½ recommended for seedlings and gradually move to full dose and even double dose if your plants can handle it. just watch for nute burn at the tips of your leaves
YetiSpaghetti, I'm almost done with my first grow, and all I did was follow the feeding chart for the nutrients my freinds were using. All I did was follow the feeding chart and make sure my PH is right (6.5). I'm using Botanicare's CNS17 line. They have a small starter kit with all your base nutrients, 1 for veg, 1 for flowering, and 1 supplement for throughout the cycle, and it's under $20....I really didn't pay attention to the NPK ratings, but after a little grow experience, I'm beginning to really understand how important they are. Hope that gives you a little insight..
I am starting from seed.. I think I will do a 5-5-5npk rating soil and get tiger bloom or similar for the flower stAge! any comments on that?


Well-Known Member
I am starting from seed.. I think I will do a 5-5-5npk rating soil and get tiger bloom or similar for the flower stAge! any comments on that?
go get yourself some grow big by fox farm for your veg then grab their big bloom and tiger blossom for the bloom phase. They have an easy to follow feed schedual on their website and the fox farm line is very new grower friendly. start your seeds in a premium grade soil, I use fox farm ocean forest or black gold, but any good quality soil will do. wait until 4 weeks or so after you sprout to start adding any nutrients, the soil will have enough goodies to support your kids well during their seedling stage. When you start your nute program start out at 1/4 strength of the recomended levels and gradually work up to full strenght from there over the next 4-6 feedings.......happy growing:joint::joint: