Quick question for you the community


Active Member
I live in the Bay Area and it’s hot this summer And for the last two weeks it’s been over 90 degrees in my tent, up to 99... my question is, is it worth it to keep going with the temps that high or will my crop be ruin do to the heat...?
depends on if its a sativa or indica. i've found that Sativas, probably because they are found closer to the equator, really like the heat and full on sun...
ie, why they have thinner, lighter colored leaves.
Indica on the other hand, were found in the middle east in the jungles and etc, so they have much darker and wider leaves in attempt to capture as much heat and sunlight as possible and also like a cooler temp..

The auto strains were found in the mountains where the sun and temps and environment are much much different than the other 2... i know nothing about growing them or what they like... yet...
depends on if its a sativa or indica. i've found that Sativas, probably because they are found closer to the equator, really like the heat and full on sun...
ie, why they have thinner, lighter colored leaves.
Indica on the other hand, were found in the middle east in the jungles and etc, so they have much darker and wider leaves in attempt to capture as much heat and sunlight as possible and also like a cooler temp..

The auto strains were found in the mountains where the sun and temps and environment are much much different than the other 2... i know nothing about growing them or what they like... yet...
I’m running all cookies indica dom
I’m running all cookies indica dom
unfortunately i have no experience growing outdoors so i have no idea.
i'm sure as long as it doesn't get super humid in there and there is plenty of airflow everything will be fine.

I do know that other phenotypes will come out of the plant because of environment,
so say you have 75% indica and 25% sativa....
you should still see traits of the sativa come out... i think growers like hybrids because of that reason... they are highly adaptable and you can purposely bring out traits by changing the situation.
unfortunately i have no experience growing outdoors so i have no idea.
i'm sure as long as it doesn't get super humid in there and there is plenty of airflow everything will be fine.

I do know that other phenotypes will come out of the plant because of environment,
so say you have 75% indica and 25% sativa....
you should still see traits of the sativa come out... i think growers like hybrids because of that reason... they are highly adaptable and you can purposely bring out traits by changing the situation.
I’m growing indoor
I put a portable air conditioner in the tent when it gets too hot in the summer and a heater when it gets too cold in the winter.
do you have an open reflector, or an enclosed hood or cool tube? if you have an open reflector, it would be well worth your time to buy a hood or tube, guaranteed to drop temps 10 degrees or more.
I’m growing indoor
oh shitttttt. yeah if you can get an air conditioner in there that would be ideal... and also what roger said :P..
i personally have a box fan constantly blowing on my plants and i use 4 150w hps lamps...
without the fan it gets HOT, 90+.. with the fan it stays around 80 - 85 or so, and gets cooler at night.
maybe open the tent when you can to help air flow with the sacrifice of some light.
i wouldn't stop growing!! take pictures, report your grow. tell us what happens to your indica dom in the heat like that, or fix it by buying extra equiptment.
my vote would be to just look for sativa grow during the hot season and indica when it gets cooler. adapt to your environment.
i feel like thats the cheapest option without having to buy a bunch of extra stuff.
My grow area is hot and dry. i cant add a bunch of stuff to it... soooo... i just bought a bunch of sativa seeds myself...
I live in the Bay Area and it’s hot this summer And for the last two weeks it’s been over 90 degrees in my tent, up to 99... my question is, is it worth it to keep going with the temps that high or will my crop be ruin do to the heat...?
you be surprised how high the temps go before the plants wilt over

many by passes can be made

including installing an Ac. the simplist

to messing with your light times and grow at night like the Au

or like me

Towing them outdoors into the sun

good luck
Dont put an ac in the tent, put it in the room the tent is in, extraction will suck cooler air in not just suck it out as is the purpose of extraction.

Just ac your house, if your 99° indoors id find it too hot to live after a while and just assume your a cheap git, what next no ice in my cocktail...
It’s all bad... everything in ma tent is starting to die... I put a portable ac close to the tent but it didn’t work... it’s been 90 degrees plus for the last 2 weeks... i started to water more, but it may have been too late... I think I’m going to let them go for another week or so then I’m bringing them down... only problem is the GMO cookies got another 4 weeks to go so it’s not a lot of bud growth yet so chopping next week could be a waste...


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Here is what I do. I use a Y duct to connect both my light and portable air conditioner to my outside vent when I need it. My tent is in the garage without AC and it would take a powerful AC to keep the garage cool and because I have no window in the garage I have no way to mount a standard AC plus I don't want to cool the entire garage. I run the light at night when it's cooler and even on days that break 100 I can keep it around 80 degrees with the portable AC in the tent. I vent up through the ceiling into the attic. In the winter when it's cold I vent back into the garage.

I'm not using the portable AC yet so one half of the Y duct is blocked off but that's where the AC would vent through. If you can get it cool enough those plants look salvageable. It also looks like you've been under watering.

Here is what I do. I use a Y duct to connect both my light and portable air conditioner to my outside vent when I need it. My tent is in the garage without AC and it would take a powerful AC to keep the garage cool and because I have no window in the garage I have no way to mount a standard AC plus I don't want to cool the entire garage. I run the light at night when it's cooler and even on days that break 100 I can keep it around 80 degrees with the portable AC in the tent. I vent up through the ceiling into the attic. In the winter when it's cold I vent back into the garage.

I'm not using the portable AC yet so one half of the Y duct is blocked off but that's where the AC would vent through. If you can get it cool enough those plants look salvageable. It also looks like you've been under watering.

Will putting them outdoors do any good
Lights on at night, move more air.

Its sposed to be 95 tomorrow. Ive got a 1000w hps in a 5x5. I just took temp readings with my infared thermometer an it was 70-71 at canopy. I dont even own a A/C. People underestimate the power of just moving more air..