quick question for the vert pros...


Is anyone doing much better than 1g/watt with this methodology. I'm a horizontal scrog grower and I average 1g/watt these days. I'm always looking to increase efficiency. Also - I scrog one plant out to about 4.5 x 4.5 under 1000 watts. Are there guys getting that much surface area out of one plant doing vertical grows? Plant count is a big factor for me as well.



Well-Known Member
1gpw is pretty efficient and if I was achieving it horizontally.. I wouldn't personally change a thing.
Not even factoring in the time and all it takes to build and "dial" a new room.. Why fix what ain't broken..?
I don't predict you'll have a substantially heavier yield in an amount of time to justify having switched..
But that's what I personally woulddo. I consider 1gpw the gravy train, and once aboard why not ride it till the wheels fall off.
Then again, vertical may be pushing what's the gravy train standard and if your gut's sayin you can achieve more who am I to kill the vibe...bongsmilie

Edit: Realized I didn't really help at all..
But I'd suggest looking at vert trees.. Low plant counts and the surface area of a 4.5' tall tree by however wide is obviously going to be larger than a flat 4.5x4.5 space. A tree can have 4 sides of that 4.5x4.5' flat space… Now of course that other side or two requires another light to grow..
Efficiency really just comes down to the layout of the space you have, and how you use it… I guess more info or pics of your room would better suit the question? If you have a lot of headspace and some wattage to spare maybe vert trees is actually for you. You obviously have time to veg already doing the scrog thing.


Well-Known Member
well i have never actually built a vertical growroom, I had all the plans for it even the equipment and started drilling poles and stuff and had to halt then clones outgrew me and had to run them on my old system and never built one ever since. I have however seen marvelous grows done in vertical setups, and I am a firm believer that vertical setups can in fact yield more than 1g/w. however, I have yet not seen a horizontal grow that really yielded 1G/W! anyway, i remember one grower in RIU who did amazing grows in coliseum type grows and using 600w claimed to yield stunning yields, i will try to remember his name and post a link to his thread. My theory is based on my personal experience and I notice from my grows that the plants can grow huge buds on all the surface area of the canopy and hanging the light vertically can more than double that surface area, and there is no reflector to absorb part of that light so if used in a good way with good spreading and canopy maintenance, I think that vertical growing is logical to yield much more than horizontal growing


Well-Known Member
Ah Dr.D every time you post that I fathom building it… Such an amazing piece of work. And 46oz off a 600w is INSANE. I can't wait to see what you do with it.


Well-Known Member
i am no pro but i wanted to throw in my .04¢ As stated above, if your getting 1g/w doing horizontal, there isnt that much to gain by going to verticle except if you go with the design showed above. You can always try it and see how you like it, but why fix whats not broken.


Well-Known Member
Heath achieved near 2gpw growing trees too. Closer to 1.5 I think actually. But vertical lighting is simply more efficient if you're setup for it.


Well-Known Member
Btw, I don't know if you depend on this for your livlihood or what, but changing over can definitely be problematic.

Genetically, what's good horizontally might not be as good vertically. Canopy management is similar, but also different and because of it you need to be looking for the right plant. I have a Black Widow plant that is a mega yielder that is perfect for vertical growth. Lots of branching, bud formation all over the plant - every branch is a long stick of bud. This is the kind of plant idea for vertical growth. You can go with top cola dominant plants with a lot of training, but it's going to be more difficult. The BW was a stretchy plant too. But if I ran it exclusively (and it's good smoke and people like it, sativa dominant) I'd be pulling down 2+lbs a light with 600's I have no question at all in my mind. I pulled 7 zips off one plant, could have had 5 or 6 in the same space but was running multiple strains.

I plan on running this after my upcoming seed run, full tent.