Quick question for Ebb & Grow 12 site users?


Well-Known Member
Is a 4x4' tent too small to cram this system into? The 55 gallon reservoir will be located outside of the tent and the controller bucket can be as well. I have a 4x4' now that I want to use to veg in and then transfer into a 4x8' to flower, starting a perpetual grow.

Thanks for your help!


Well-Known Member
when i use pots in a 4x4 can go 4 wide. when i used bags i could go 5 wide. with those big buckets it would be 3 x3 realistically so id say no the 12 wont fit but 9 would. and thay system can work with as low as 6 so still worth it. ebb and gro is my next purchase actually also looks like the best hydrosystem around. and hey never seen you around. looks like your a nyc grower like myself. i started a thread for tri state people to eventually trade clones. should check it out. ill be sharing strains soon. any journals also? click my name to see my threads.


Well-Known Member
You would be willing to meet with people on this site from the tristate area to exhchange clones:!::?:
what you got?


Well-Known Member
You would be willing to meet with people on this site from the tristate area to exhchange clones:!::?:
what you got?

i guess for the right poster. someone ive seen in the trenches. but definitely not anyone. I was thinking of a way two people could do a trade and never meet, couldnt think of anything other than two people leaving the boxes in designated locations at a very specific time. like the box is laying by the garbage can on west 11th and spring street the initiator of trade puts box on floor and walks several feet away. the trader person who was asked to trade would be watching see the box arrive and be on floor then would themselves go up lay there box down. grab the trade box and both walk away. but sounds too james bond and still the people will be within grabbing distance so not much sense. best sense would be only people i see with serious proof of not being a pig. like 2000 posts and the right conversations in history of posts. ill decide on that personally

and yeah ive got white widow, pure power plant and snow white all from fem seeds nirvana. there just going into flower next couple days. keeping moms of all though


Well-Known Member
when i use pots in a 4x4 can go 4 wide. when i used bags i could go 5 wide. with those big buckets it would be 3 x3 realistically so id say no the 12 wont fit but 9 would. and thay system can work with as low as 6 so still worth it. ebb and gro is my next purchase actually also looks like the best hydrosystem around. and hey never seen you around. looks like your a nyc grower like myself. i started a thread for tri state people to eventually trade clones. should check it out. ill be sharing strains soon. any journals also? click my name to see my threads.
What size pots are you using when you go 4 wide? The pots in this system are only 2 gallons so I imagine they leave a smaller footprint than a 3.5 or 5 gallon bucket. Yeah NYC myself... I'll have to check your thread out later when I get some more time. Journals, nah but I will be starting some when I get this system up and running. The last year or so I have been dabbling with different hydro setups... building 18 plant hydro systems, dwc tubs etc. Trying to find something very easy and productive, this system seems to fit the bill for sure. I was going to build it, but I'm over the DIY part and would prefer something ready to go out of the box. I've calculated buying all the parts for everything including the controller and with the time involved it's worth buying it premade. Talk to ya soon!


Well-Known Member
yeah i live for diy and it was hard to know i was spending 600 on this thing, but same, calculate time and cost of equipment and its totally worth it. especially for a 12 site system ready to go. even that giant water drum would come in handy worth every penny. and yeah im using 3.5 gallon buckets. you could do 5 but it was down to no room to even turn them. even 4 wide got tough if they branch a lot


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used this system with lids and netpots? The thought is to reduce the amount of hydroton needed... 50L for 6 containers is alot in my opinion. If anyone has done this, what are the pros and cons, problems etc?