Quick question...(Experienced Grower)

Well today i want and checked up on things and how they were doing. Everything looks great and they're about 3 weeks in. the only concern i did have is, well i dont know if it was just because they're outside but they are turning this greenish slight yellowish. didnt know if this was because they're outside....i mean for the past couple days we have had 2 inches of rain so i dont think thats the problem....any suggestions?:hug:


Active Member
We would really need to see some pictures to be sure. Sounds like the plant is not getting as much nitrogen as it needs. Could be because there is none in the medium you are growing in, could be because of a root problem, could be a number of things.

Are they waterloged? roots need optimum conditions to suck up nutrients. if its wet for too long the roots start to die, and cant pull up the nutes the plant needs.

Give them a blast of nitrogen with a liquid fertilizer. you should notice a change in the leaf color within a few days.