Quick question! :D


Well-Known Member
Ok. I have a chocolate chunk baby, I got a seed from my caregiver that he got from Cali.

Its about 2 months old, 2 ft tall, topped 4 times, and this thing is a fucking monster. Nothing wrong with her.

The question is: I have not flowered her yet, she's been in veg 24/7 light, for 2 months on the 29th. She is showing sex, she is a female :joint::hump::weed:

Can I still clone her even thought all the clones will be consiting of branches which have hairs on them..?

Just dont wanna waste a beautiful plant. If I can clone her, I can maybe score about 18 satisfying clones.

Any help would be epic



Well-Known Member
go for it worst that would happen is it takes an extra week to root. i just took clones from my mother thats like 6 months or more old and she is showing sex and they rooted in 10 days... good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I just wanted to get some input before the 2month mark; after she hits 2 months i'm gonna take about 6 clones and see how they pull through.

So far this is the best strain i've ever had the pleasure of growing :hump: