Quick question- can clones from flowering plant be put directly into flowering/12-12?


Well-Known Member
I've read a bunch and seen that flowering plants can be sucessfully cloned (some peoples results are actually pretty cool and bushier); however, I've never seen an attempt to take a clone and instead of revegging it, just continuing the 12/12 flowering light cycle. Is it possible to clone a flowering plant,say in week 2 or 3 of flowering, and instead of revegging just keep flowering? If roots grow, can it work?

I'll probably perform the experiment anyways, but if someone knows..... That would be cool. (1 hr to 420!!!)


Well-Known Member
It would probably work, but you'll be lucky if the cutting increases in size much at all. You'll need to reveg for that.


Well-Known Member
The problem with that is the plant has no none zilch time to recoup and while its hurt it is not going to take in nutes. Its gonna put all its effort into repairing itself. That is why you need to reveg it. I stripped a plant to the dirt. Litterally i left about two or three small leafs on it . It fully came back. I mean from nothing. To a bush ....all it was was a stem


Well-Known Member
it would work but you probly wont get the rooting results you want. its hard to get clones to root after 1 week of flowering as it is let alone on a 12/12. if they do root it would work.
i talked to a guy yesterday that says he puts his plants strait into 12/12 from seed. he says the plant wont flower untill its ready no matter what, so its ok. he told me he gets at least an ounce from every plant this way and it only takes him 9 weeks all together.
doesnt sound like the orthodox way to do it but hey if it works thats alot of time saved.


Well-Known Member
If they came from a flowering mother they are already flowering. They will be stunted if you continue flowering them w/o any root system yet. It can take 2-3 weeks for it to revert from flowering to veg.