quick question about water


Active Member
if the "water leaves" or "sucker/sugar" leaves turn a yellowish color is that a sign of it telling you that it wants water if it hasnt been waterd in about 2days???

also when watering. say you let them dry out before watering and its mostly dry. when u do water do you give it alot of water like nearly soaking the soil or just a little bit to get the top wet?


They will droop when need water, as far as leaves turning yellow could be a nutrient deficiency or normal if they are in later stage of flowering. when watering water deeply thoroughly.


Active Member
Always water thoroughly and in the morning, so the plant has all day to use the water and you don't get high humidity at night, which can cause rot.

Wait until the soil is almost dry but not until the plant is dropping, then water thoroughly letting about 10% run off. If you just water a little here and there you get dry pockets in your soil and roots can't grow there, but if you over water and don't let the soil dry out a little between waterings you can drown teh roots.


Active Member
ok ty guys..so basicly i can go ahead and soak er down but i need to let the soil dry up before i water again? at baby stage currently. ill have to remember the morning thing

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The large lower leaves turning yellow could mean N deficiency, a Ph problem or overwatering. There would need to be pics to tell which. Watering every two days is probably too much. Even starter cups with good airflow take at least two days before needing water and bigger pots need much longer.

Ideal soil moisture is usually when a handful drips a few drops when moderately squeezed. The soil shouldn't be completely saturated unless you are flushing.


Yes on the water thing morning is best. Check your soil by sticking a finger down in it a couple inches and if it feels a little moist to dry water it. the yellowing is what I'm wondering about. What kind of soil and have you used? Any fertilizer on it? There is a ton of information on this site that will tell you what to do and how to do it from start to finish and then some! Some great guides on here, you should check them out. Good luck with your grow!!


Active Member
the ones that have a slight yellow color to them are the first ones that appear when it sprouts..i didnt feel like looking up the name lol. i waterd pretty good and i guess ill see if thats what it was in a day or 2


Active Member
Yes on the water thing morning is best. Check your soil by sticking a finger down in it a couple inches and if it feels a little moist to dry water it. the yellowing is what I'm wondering about. What kind of soil and have you used? Any fertilizer on it? There is a ton of information on this site that will tell you what to do and how to do it from start to finish and then some! Some great guides on here, you should check them out. Good luck with your grow!!
yes the soil was pretty much completely dry. this is my 2nd attempt and im using the ol "MG OC" lol but its a plant and its in dirt so i think its more of a water thing.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
the ones that have a slight yellow color to them are the first ones that appear when it sprouts
You mean the first leaves that appeared when the seed sprouted?!? The rounded podbuster leaves or the first single-bladed true leaves? Actually it really doesn't matter. Those leaves are supposed to die. If you finish a plant without burning the two single-bladed leaves, you didn't fertilize enough.

How big is it and how many leaves? Obviously those leaves shouldn't die before the plant has a few more nodes at least.


Active Member
so i waterd them and it has gotten a little worse and now another one is doing it. could it be from being to hot/warm? or humid? its the first leaves that appear. not the first blade leaves. they have been in a ghetto made box with foil and they have been staying pretty warm. iv taken them out of that and hoping they can still recover. im using the same mix iv used in the past and those leaves didnt fall off until they wer small plants. thse ones are still pretty tiny.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Seedlings can't handle most nutrients. Only experienced growers should feed seedlings, plain water for everyone else. In the future, always begin plants in seed starter soil until they at least have their 3-bladed leaves.