Quick question about growth after trigger.


Hey so I just triggered my plants last night, switched the light to 12-12.

I am wondering around how long before they start growing like crazy and then when does that growth stop and the plants begin to flower?

I know they grow like 2 or 3 times their size when triggered.. I am trying to figure out the details.



Active Member
u should def have the plants showing sex by the end of the week.. just expect double with indicas and tripple or more with sativas, but also keep in mind that each strain is different and will do their own thing at their own time


Well-Known Member
Less than seven days you will see the preflowers and stips, with that said, you will get your growth spurt by thrid week. Depends on dna and what type of light and what type of nutes of course, no real answer but you will know.


Don't count the chickens before the eggs hatch. They should indicate within a week and begin flowering.
Ahhh sorry, I think you misread my post...

I am not asking anything about finding out if they are female or not.. simply about the growth spurt after being triggered...


u should def have the plants showing sex by the end of the week.. just expect double with indicas and tripple or more with sativas, but also keep in mind that each strain is different and will do their own thing at their own time

I know that they are all female- clones...

And I know they grow like crazy but I am asking about a time table... Like, when does the growth spurt start (once triggered) and how long does it last??


Less than seven days you will see the preflowers and stips, with that said, you will get your growth spurt by thrid week. Depends on dna and what type of light and what type of nutes of course, no real answer but you will know.

Wait... They only begin the growth spurt by week 3...? Or it will finish by week 3..?


its stretches first 2 weeks of 12/12 then it will start filling out
Brilliant thanks!! That is what I am asking! Haha.. Though sure, its probably a stupid question that only somebody who never grew before would ask.. and is totally useless to know... But thanks :D


Well-Known Member
Week one: You will sit there starring at them, for hours, waiting for God knows what to happen. Not much will happen, maybe by the last couple days you might get the first few little white hairs popping out, maybe you wont, but stare on you will.

Week two: Getting some hairs going on, you are still starring for them waiting for something to happen, maybe some peanut sized airy buds will start to form, hairs are starting to cover buds sites over most of your crop.

Week three-four: Nothing too crazy yet but getting serious nonetheless, but you will have taken notice that your plants have probobly doubled in size, if not more. Some real bud production has started to take place, youll notice the main colas are starting to packed it in, but the show has still yet to start. Up to this point alot of the energy has been used up in the stretching process. Now that the stretch is nearing it's end, the bud sites are ready for their turn to do some work.

Wekk five-six: This is where the bud sites just blow up with bud. Packing in so tight that there are large portions, ranging from a few inches to over a foot long, that the stems are no longer visiable. You'll notice the plants needs are changing as well, different nutrients will most definitely be needed by this point, if not have already been implemented. They are going to be drinking alot of water as well. The stretching is most likely done by this point, but there is still some slower vertical groth that could be taking place so dont burn the tips.

Week7-10+: This is where many strains could be in their final phase of bud production. You may or may not want to flush, research it and go your own way. Nonetheless, your bud sites should be a swollen, sticky haven. You will still be starring at them.

I'm done, fucking so high I can't believe I typed all that lol. Kind of ran out of steam on the last one, but I think it's time you did some real research if you are going to get serious. Good luck


Week one: You will sit there starring at them, for hours, waiting for God knows what to happen. Not much will happen, maybe by the last couple days you might get the first few little white hairs popping out, maybe you wont, but stare on you will.

Week two: Getting some hairs going on, you are still starring for them waiting for something to happen, maybe some peanut sized airy buds will start to form, hairs are starting to cover buds sites over most of your crop.

Week three-four: Nothing too crazy yet but getting serious nonetheless, but you will have taken notice that your plants have probobly doubled in size, if not more. Some real bud production has started to take place, youll notice the main colas are starting to packed it in, but the show has still yet to start. Up to this point alot of the energy has been used up in the stretching process. Now that the stretch is nearing it's end, the bud sites are ready for their turn to do some work.

Wekk five-six: This is where the bud sites just blow up with bud. Packing in so tight that there are large portions, ranging from a few inches to over a foot long, that the stems are no longer visiable. You'll notice the plants needs are changing as well, different nutrients will most definitely be needed by this point, if not have already been implemented. They are going to be drinking alot of water as well. The stretching is most likely done by this point, but there is still some slower vertical groth that could be taking place so dont burn the tips.

Week7-10+: This is where many strains could be in their final phase of bud production. You may or may not want to flush, research it and go your own way. Nonetheless, your bud sites should be a swollen, sticky haven. You will still be starring at them.

I'm done, fucking so high I can't believe I typed all that lol. Kind of ran out of steam on the last one, but I think it's time you did some real research if you are going to get serious. Good luck
Bahahaha!!!! I fucking loved it. Thank you.

Not only did you answer everything I just asked, but you did it in style. Full of sarcasm and witt. Hahah thanks :D

Anyways, I am off to go stare at my plants for change :)


Active Member
usualy the first 2 weeks when you switch to 12/12 they will gorw 2/3 times the size after that its just bud development , i have found if you keep it on grow nut for the first 2 weeks its better after the buds are starting to show use bloom and boost then


Active Member
mine never stretched that much to be honest, only about half a foot
Were they clones? I have had a few clones that didn't stretch at all, about like you said. Only reason I could think of was that they were taken during the stretch of the mother. They filled out super nice, and stayed really short after a month of vegging, and through flowering.


Were they clones? I have had a few clones that didn't stretch at all, about like you said. Only reason I could think of was that they were taken during the stretch of the mother. They filled out super nice, and stayed really short after a month of vegging, and through flowering.
Interesting.. That could be a cool experiment... But you said 'taken during the stretch of the mother', meaning you took clones AFTER the mum was triggered?

-also how was the comparitive yield for the plants that stayed small but full?