quick question about growing from seeds


Well-Known Member
sup ever one i have a quick question i dropped some fresh seeds into some rockwool cubes and put the sprayed dome on. now do i put these babies directly under the t5's or should i leave them in the shade or even darkness for a few days?



Well-Known Member
sup ever one i have a quick question i dropped some fresh seeds into some rockwool cubes and put the sprayed dome on. now do i put these babies directly under the t5's or should i leave them in the shade or even darkness for a few days?

dark and warm for a few days...once they have sprouted and you have a couple leaves expose them to light but not directly for a couple days...once you see them start to grow and they look healthy put them under the t5's...just my 2 cents


Active Member
You can give the seeds time to germinate. This means leaving them in a room temp dark and moist area for somewhere between 7 -10 days is the usual until you see sprouts. When you see the frist set of leaves come up then you can go ahead and put them under the t5's. Just keep the t5's about a foot away from the foliage. Then as it the little girl (we hope) gets a little bigger, you can move the lights down closer to her. The t5's are just more powerful cfl's. What do we use with seedlings ladies and gentlmen? I'll tell you, cfl's. So don't worry about what he just said.

"Expose them to the light..... but not directly." That didn't make too much sense, but hey listen to him if you want.


Well-Known Member
Did you germinate the seeds before putting them in rockwool? this will really affect the time it takes to sprout. 90% of my most recent seeds germinated within 72 hours in shot glasses full of water. Then i put the germinated seeds into soil, some sprouted in 2 days flat, others took a week. All of my sprouts are under a couple 23watt 6500k CFL's and theyre starting to take off, I see no point in denying your babies light just dont add a ton of light at first.

Good luck :joint:


Well-Known Member
the seed wll not get light if its in the cube right anyway so it ready does not matter. i do believe that the heat from the lamp will help. once the seed sprout let it have light it never hurt my plants
I used root riot blocks (peat fleximix) instead of rock wool and put the propagator under two 55watt florescent tubes and had it on for 18 hours, 6 hours dark and the seeds germinated in 7 days. A lot faster than I have ever done in rock wool. Has anyone else used these? £5 for a tray of 24.


Well-Known Member
im going to put them in the shade for 3 or 4 days inside the propagator with the heat mat turned on. this should bring me to minimal light plus lots of humidity and heat. once i see sprouts i will take them out of the shade and into the light. they are femed dna chocolope and sharks breath. hope they all sprout. any experience with dna seeds?