quick question about flowering under cfls


Well-Known Member
what would u guys say is a good minimum for floweering under cfls? i got 175 on my girl now, more than i sarted with and shes about 8 weeks old showing lots of white hairs. im also curious as to when an actually cola will start to for on the budsites..... input is appreciated and if its real good info ill +rep ya!


Active Member
I am on my first grow myself, using CFL. from what I have read, its as much as you can jam in there while keeping the heat down. I have about 8 23w going over two plants. hoping to get some side lighting in there soon.


Well-Known Member
If you have 1 plant with a 175 watt CFL you should be fine for flowering. It wont be as large as an HPS yield but you should have something tasty.


Well-Known Member
175 watts is fine for 1 plant only , what type of spectrum is your CFL's?your plant is 8 weeks into flower? a cola is just a branch with bud on the tip , your cola should be well on its way of its indica , if its sativa you have atleast another 4-6 weeks left