Quick noob question


Ok so i am growing in a PC case and was wonder if there was any way to tell the sex of the plant b4 i let it veg for a few weeks cause i am using bag seeds.


Well-Known Member
now dont lie ... u know that if u put your seeds in water the ones that float and do circles r female and the ones that drop r male... ;)

op read the grow faq will help u tremendously


Ok so i am growing in a PC case and was wonder if there was any way to tell the sex of the plant b4 i let it veg for a few weeks cause i am using bag seeds.

You could flower from beginning but the plant wont flower before it feels mature enough to flower. If your growing in a PC case then you dont have so much room. I would have grown some lowryders cause they autoflower and they dont become so big either. I hope this helps you


dang ya i thought there was no way but just wanted to make sure, oh well i guess i will just have to hope for the best


Well-Known Member
the water trick aint true ive had ones float n shit and they were male theres n o actual way unless they're feminized u kno that


Active Member
If I was in a pc id 12/12 from seed and just yank the males. if you research various hormone treatments, heat and stress issues. then i believe you can produce all female. it is debatable but i am a believer. good luck.


I actually disagree with all this mystery sex stuff. When you've got a few growing i think with some instinct you can usually tell, my guesses were pretty much on the money. If you look at the stem the ones with more furry or white hairy stems usually end up ladies, and the less hairy ones have grown into males in my experience. Also if you rub the stem with your finger and smell each plant, the more THC bud smelling ones compared to that planty smell males have can give you an indication. But as i said, you might need to trust your instincts as well and getting to know your plants very well.
But if you've only got one plant it could be a bit trickier...