Quick Noob question on how much water to add for mixing these nutes please help!


So this is my first grow and I've been suggested I start to add nutes to my plant now. Before I actually started growing I went out and bought the nutes. I'm using the hempy bucket method. Its a passive hydro system. Anyway I bought this nutrient kit for starters. It was suggested to me by the guy that owns the hydro store. He some how knew I was growing pot as soon as I walked in the store and said I got exactly what you need. So to make the vegatative mix it says to add:

B.C Boost- 3 tsp
B.C Grow- 1 1/2 tsp
Thrive Alive- B1 Red 1/2 tsp
MagiCal- 1/2 tsp
SugerDaddy- 2 tsp

Its says to mix these nutrients for every 1 gallon. But since I'm growing pot shouldint I mix for every 3 gallons? I can't remember if thats what the hydroman said to me but does that seem right? 3 gallons?


New Member
You should start out at 1/2 strengh the first time to get hte roots and the plant use to the type of nuts if you just do it full strengh your could nut burn your plant will it ever recover ? yes and no. once the damage is done its hard for a plant to overcome . If it does you just stunted its growth. So first 1/2 strengh and next feeding full strengh.


can you explain to me half strength? Or quarter strength? I'm mixing the nutrients with 3 gallons of water instead of the recommended 1 gallon. So is that good ?


New Member
The recommended is how much you put in for EACH gallon. Lets say they call for 1ml Magical a gallon. So if you have 3 gallons of water, you put in 1ml x 3 or 3 ml Magical in that 3 gallons of water. Everyone is telling you to go half strength though, so take that 3ml and half it.