Quick light suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Btw I went out and bought 3 100 watt equiv. Cfls and I have them hanging by extension cords around my 8 day(from seeds) old plants. I've figured out that watering is proly going to be the hardest part about this. Lol Ill prolly save up and get some cfls in soft colors(2700k) for the flowering just for my first time.
The OP. and I assummed that by him saying he bought the 100W equiv. CFLS then he was talking about the spiral, home use lights.


Well-Known Member
6500K is the right Kelvin. (for Veg)

Brick Top was saying that those CFL's were not engineered for growing. They do make FL for growing purposes. however, if you absolutly wanted to grow with Home lighting CFLs. then yes you do have the right kind....

its not a "wrong" way to grow...its just not the best way :), you wont get the most bang for your buck (in this case time, risk and $$), but you will get some buds

Brick Top

New Member
Brick Top was saying that those CFL's were not engineered for growing. They do make FL for growing purposes. however, if you absolutly wanted to grow with Home lighting CFLs. then yes you do have the right kind....
While I admittedly detest CFLs I did not mean to infer that the home lighting design CFLs will not work for growing. If in the correct Kelvin range/temperature for each stage of growing they will without doubt work. It is just their light distribution pattern is designed for home lighting, not growing, and makes it very important to have some kind of reflector for them to focus/direct the light where wanted and needed.

I am not a fan of the larger actual agricultural designed CFL grow lights but their design is one that is much better for growing purposes. A quality reflective hood is still important, but their design is one to give a light footprint more in line of what is best for growing so for CFL growing that does make them superior. They also come in fairly high wattage and some systems allow for mixed Kelvin range bulbs, multiple bulbs, and someone who 'grows short' can do pretty well with them.

I once saw a CFL grow light system that held three CFL bulbs of up to 300-watts each. For a while I considered purchasing one for vegging.

CFLs have their uses, and the actual agricultural ones are far superior to the home lighting bulbs so if someone wants to grow with CFLs that is the route to take, but I am just not really a fan of any of them.