i was just putting the toillete paper in the plate, was bout to put the seeds then after 5 mins, i touched the toillete paper and it was a bit ( cold cold) so im like wooo wait a minute,
my question is, what is the tempeture sepose to be for a seed to germinate ??
Im not sure of the temps needed, but what i do is take the paper towel and wet it, then put the seeds in and place the towel in a sandwich baggie. then i just place them in a drawer in my desk, a few days later i have sprouts. placing somewhere warm will only help speed the process. some use a electric blanket but ive never found the need.
i soak paper towel with hot water let it sit till its warm which is like 30sec then put it in a closed container with seeds between the layers. most will sprout after 48hours. some take up to 10days.
ya, i have a medium with a cover on it for humidity , and im using a 150 watt hps light over it to produce heat into it, is that ok ? or should i cover the medium with a black plastic bag? i dont think the light should matter since they are covered from the light with soil right?
buff, ive just put it in betwen 2 wet scott towels , put in a ziplock bag, then put a towel ontop and then put in a black garbage bag then layed it in front of my 150 hps light so it can keep it nice and warm even with humidity , is that good ?
what i do if i take 2 scott towels ,wet them squize them so no watter leaks from it so just moist, put un paper towel in a bowl then put the seeds on it and put the other paper towel (moist too) on it then put a plate on the bowl that should cover any light. and put it in a room should be around 21-23 C.