quick germing question..


Junior Creatologist
Ok, i checked out the germing process in the FAQ on how to do it the right way. I know how to germ kinda, i had a 80% germ success rate on my 1st grow, but i wanna make sure im doin it right this time around cuz i got good seeds n i dont wanna fuck nothin up.

So i took a seed from my Blue Cheese breeders pack, and decided to germ it, cuz it got a little damaged on its way over to me in the mail. I guess the outter "transparent" coating on the shell got damaged, and cracked off - but the actual hard shell for the seed itself is still in tact and in decent condition.

I took the seed, and folded it into a wet paper towel, and then poured a shitload of warm water onto it, and gently squeezed it so it wasnt dripping wet. I then took it and put the paper towel into a red plastic cup, and put the cup sideways on top of my cable box, with the mouth of the cup up against my wall, so its nice n dark in there. Its been 24 hours and the seed hasnt even cracked yet. Am i doing everything right, or is there something im NOT doin??? every couple hours i rewater it a little bit, to make sure that the water dont turn cold, but the cable box is keeping the paper towel relatively warm.

Any advice??


Junior Creatologist
yeh i think so too, im just tryin to see if anybody thinks that if the integrity of the seed itself is fucked becase of the transparent outter protective part had been cracked off during shipping.

N u a programmer??


Well-Known Member
should be fine even though the outer layer is gone. a lot of people actually skuff their seeds before they try to germ them.


Well-Known Member
that sounds like way too much stuff going on my friend. Put seed in paper towel and cover, use ro water to mist over towel wet enough to see seed inside. Then put in ziploc plastic bag , squeeze out all air and under mattress or under laptop...1 to 3 days. never had on not germ on me. good luck tho