Quick germinating question

Alright I have 4 different seeds in small shot glasses with water that I had sit over night so I poked them and they sunk. Now the question is.. Do I need to wait for a taproot to develop or am I good to go putting them in the soil?


Active Member
I wait till the seeds drop, then put them in damp soil, just push them in so the soil only just cover them (well that how I do it) there no wrong or right answer,


Well-Known Member
You are inviting rot by soaking for so long. Soaking is good for older seeds but not necessary on new seeds. I'd plant them ASAP.


Ya theres a few ways to skin a cat eh...
I use paper towel method..I've seen folks that do a shot glass of water then paper towel, straight into rapid rooters, rockwool soil...

However either way just make sure you got a warm base, seed pop a lot better at like 80F.
I leave mine in paper towel in a bag between plates on the dish receiver. Plates stay nice and warm.
Just germed 2/5 in under 12Hrs. Don't think I lost a seed yet...


Well-Known Member
I usually wait until there is a crack in them and then I put them in wet paper towel in a warm place for another 48 hours and they are ready for potting up after that. Oh, it is a 100% germination rate for me an I'm guessing it is the same for a couple thousand other growers.

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
I let them sit in water until the seed cracks open. Then I place it in my growing media. I bury the seed about a quarter inch deep.

In about 3 days they will pop out the dirt.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I had fantastic results planting the seed directly into a started plug ; rapid rooter, root riot, etc. Personally, I don't like handling a seed with the taproot, they're quite fragile and I'm not the most graceful person around, so planting the seed direct is better for me. But whatever works for you is what you should do.