Quick Drying


Active Member
Whats the best way to quick dry some bud while you wait for the bulk to actually dry correctly? Microwave?, oven?, blow drier?, I've heard a lot of things. But I'm unaware of the best improper way to dry buds so that I can have something to last me till there done. :smile: Any helps appreciated. :peace:


Well-Known Member
the microwave i thinkis the best way. put like a gram inbetween 2 papertowles. microwave for like 8-10 second intervals. do until u think enough the water is gon to smoke... i did it for like 15 seconds a few times while doin it to. only at the begging tho..


Well-Known Member
lol... the best improper way def would be the micro. I've even heard of people usin foil on top of a toaster.


Active Member
Legit. Thanks for the input. I'm scared the Micro will fuck the shit up. But i could put it on a very low power. Which would change the times it should go in. Especially cause everyones microwaves are different. (Well almost everyones) It sure seems that way ahaha.


Active Member
Top of toaster oven with tin foil also possible.. I have the perfect one for that idea as well... Its the george formen one wherre the top is a "Bun warmer" so i can put them on top of that... Thanks for your input as well : )


Active Member
Sigh... I guess i could buy bud from a dealer till its ready... Kinda seems redundant lol. Idk. But i guess your right cause it'll taste like shit. But then i gotta pay for worse bud. So i'll agree to disagree ; ).


Well-Known Member
I just use a blow dryer and it does it good job if you want to dry some bud real quick. The taste is really not that bad but harsh.:joint:


Well-Known Member
I am quick drying some buds right now...the first time i used the microwave and everything seemed fine,considering i was microwaving weed...lol....anyways i'm trying a defferent method got some buds on a paper towel ON TOP of my toaster oven at full power,slowly but surely...i think its gonna take like an hour


Well-Known Member
took too long,got impatient....put the shit in the toaster oven on low and on a piece of tin fiol..took like 20 mins maybe...now to try er out :)