Quick drying and Vaporization


Active Member
I was wondering, I have plants at 7 weeks, seem like they need another week or 2. I wanted to sample a nugget since it's a new strain.

If I am going to use a vaporizer, do I need to "quick dry" or can I just cut it up, pack it in the vape and go to town? The buds are very coated.
honestly, I am not very experienced but i did the same thing about 3 weeks ago, i had a plant that was about 7-8 weeks into flowering and i used the quick drying method in da microwave. Shit was fire and the heat wasn't so intense that it killed any crystals. mabye try it with or without see which you like better.


I had the same idea with my vape n Aurora, i broke a branch with a nugget on it gonna try this weekend will let u know


Break of a couple of little nugs, trim them up and put them in a paper bag. I use liquor store bags since they are small.

Put the bag somewhere warm....I put it on top of my ballast or my Cable box in my entertainment center on top of a pot holder. Use a pot holder or something over your warming device otherwise the buds will kinda melt and stick to the bag. It will dry it out in about 6-8 hours to where it is somewhat smokeable.

It will be harsh, smell like grass and nowhere near what your end product will be....but enough to give you a taste and hopefully a quick buzz without a headache. But no promises.

Edit: I do not use a vaporizer, but I do use two red hot knifes. Same concept.........I think.


Active Member
Chop it up as fine as you can and go to vape town! Just start off a lower temp. I find that more moisture = lower temps.


I use a Volcano to test my still wet herbs. Here's what I do. I take the bud, dry it out to some degree if I can and just throw in the vape. I've vaped wet stuff (even fresh cut herb) too after it's been ground up. I usually set my temperature higher to about 420 degrees (coincidence, I swear) not only to extract the THC but also to dry out the bud. The 2nd or 3rd bag is usually cloudy and dry enough to vape efficiently. The first bag is harsh and not cloudy since it's still wet. The point is not so much for enjoyment as it is to see what kind of high you're getting. It tastes like straight up, heated grass/plant taste. Once you start drying it out though, it gets better. As a side note, this will coat your Volcano bags with weird coating. Not the usual vapor honey. It's like vapor honey mixed with moisture from all the chlorophyll that gets evaporated. All in all, it works in a vape, it's not that enjoyable tastewise, but the high is there (especially after vaping to the point of drying the herb up -- the first hits will taste like crap but is more enjoyable down the line)