quick clone question how to transfer from clone machine to rockwool


Active Member
friend is giving me 24 clones and i need to know how to do this...they put theres in soil but im using Hydroponics flood and drain table with rockwool

they are going to cut the clones and leave them in there cloner (soiless just mists from the bottom) for 7-10 days, when the time for them to remove them comes , what do i do to properly get these plants in rockwool and into my flood and drain table? also how should i get them home?

once there in rockwool and on my table how often should i flood the table and how deep would you go?

For the nutrients Im useing House & Garden Aqua Flakes..when do i introduce these to the clones? and what mixture do i start with?

im going to use the sog method so i plan to put the twio week old clones directly into flowering once i get them home

any help would be great, thanks guys


Active Member
if theyre in soil already you might have to break away the soil to put in rockwool, but i'd just leave them in the soil.
start using nutrients when there is a pretty sufficient root mass. - you dont want to burn them.
when you do start nutes you should start them off on 1/4 the dosage.
i reccommend doing a week of 18/6 or so to develope roots a bit and stabalize from the move, then go into flowering.
for the rockwool, i think your supposed to flood three times a day? during the day time and once at night then i think..
i could be wrong on that though...

good luck!!


Well-Known Member
would be best if you gave them the rockwool or at least starter some starter plugs to put the cutting directly into.


Active Member
there not in soil, there in some kin d of cloner that they put the clone in a foam insert that opens then they take it out when its ready...
so will i just take a rockwool 1.5 in cube and split it in half and place the clone in that? then set it in a small pot on my flood and drain table? once it gets a bit bigger then place the 1/5 cube into the large rockwool cube?

so basically get them in rockwool
veg them 18/6 for a week to strengthen them
then put them into flowering

flood twice a day and once at night?

start the nutrients 1/4 strength and work my way up?

that sound about right?


Active Member
yeah that sounds perfect :)
altough id recheck how many times to flood im not too sure if im right on that one - but apart from that you got it down :)


there not in soil, there in some kin d of cloner
There. their, they're. You need they're as in "they are". They taught us this in grade 4 or 5 here in the 70's and 80's maybe the system has changed some.

I always hear about inner city youth not getting good educations...people should complain, this is your tax dollars at work. At least some of you have jobs I'm sure.



Well-Known Member
Dude, if they cloned in a bubbler or aeroponic with net pots and inserts without placing the cutting in rockwool first, You are not going to be placing those cuttings in rockwool. You are better off getting net pots and setting up a DWC system now. Next time, look for clones that were rooted in the cubes.....


Active Member
Dude, if they cloned in a bubbler or aeroponic with net pots and inserts without placing the cutting in rockwool first, You are not going to be placing those cuttings in rockwool. You are better off getting net pots and setting up a DWC system now. Next time, look for clones that were rooted in the cubes.....
I would second Serapis advice. Trying to wedge a developed root system into rockwool isn't ideal. Rockwool cubes in a container, perhaps, but not the bricks. Perhaps your source should consider using small rockwool starters that would easily transplant into the larger rockwool cubes. Never done that with a mist cloner though and I don't know if the rockwool would have too much water seeping out externally. Or if you end up using a container, a mix of coco coir on top of a bedding of the longer coco fibers to prevent the coir from escaping as excess water drains out. I'm a big fan of coco because it's basically impossible to over water. Your clones would ease right into coco too since it'd fall in around the roots.


Active Member
You could place the clones in a soil less medium and use smart pots that you flood and drain instead of rockwool slabs. Second option, you must root clones in rockwool to place in larger rockwool block.