Questions Regarding Drip Timing and Nutrients.


Hello everyone,

First of all I'm very excited to say I've built and set up with first hydro system and it has absolutely zero leaks.

It's a 5 bucket recirculating system

4x5 gallon buckets in the tent for my 4 Critical Kush babies
1x5 gallon res outside of the tent w/air stones and pump.

the 4 buckets are being fed with drip lines that are actually sprinkler heads. I'm using hydroton.

My biggest questions are

1. How often should the water be on these girls
2. I'm using a 3 part nutrient system (GH Flora Series) I'm wondering if there are any specific things I should know about in regards to giving the girls nutes. The things to watch out for when transitioning from soil to hydro I guess you could say.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks :D


Well-Known Member
Easy peesy. Just stop the top feed, chuck airstone in the bucket and run benificial tea to prevent pythium. Run deep, about an inch below net pot. Set rooted clone in bottom of pot and the bubbles mist the roots and they grow down into the water.


so no feed is needed at all?

I'd need to get a new pump, mine only supports 2 air hoses. That's not the end of the world though.


Did some research, I guess what I'm thinking of is called a recirculating deep water culture system. Do you think this is a good idea for a conversion or should I just plug the returns on the bottom and run each bucket as it's own individual self contained system?

I appreciate your help btw @SnapsProvolone