Questions on grow journals


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to figure out hoe to use the grow journals. Posting the first entry is easy enough, but the second entry is a bit confusing. Do I reply to my own journal for subsequent entries, or do I 'Create Entry' from the header bar? When using the reply method, I don't see a way to upload pictures. Do I have to use an external image hosting site?
You just reply to your journal thread. I see an "Upload a File" button below the text box when replying to any thread.
I see the upload button when I reply to other threads, but not my own. I'll screw around with it a little bit. I'm probably overlooking something.
Seems I started the journal as a blog entry, instead of in the forums. When I replay to my blog entry, it shows as a comment, and not a forum reply. I'm missing something here. Is there a FAQ on grow journals anywhere?

Just tried 'Create Entry', and it posted, but it posted to the top of the journal. Must be a better way...