Questions about setting up a new grow


Well-Known Member
You can use tap water, some tap water is better than others. You should be able to go online and find information from your council/government body on how your tap water is treated and what is in it after treatment. Most tap water contains most micro minerals such as iron calcium magnesium zinc ect. So its often a good choice depending on where you are in the world and how it is treated. I believe the reason to leave it 24hours is to let the chlorine evaporate. Some say this is not needed but I suspect that's because they don't have heavily chlorinated water supplies.
As for cleaning your basement walls you can use a fungicidal wash first, wipe it all down, you can then spray with h2o2 but use it fast and strong. I would recommend sealing the walls with a cheap water based paint after that but at least a week before your plants are in the tent. That way if any mould spores return through plaster, brick ect you can see it very soon and sterilise it straight away. If your walls are crumbling then you can spray with PVA mixed to a ratio of around 5 part water to 1 part pva. You may not need to do all this but if its a damp basement it should help.
No idea why people think Canna is expensive, its cheap when you compare what you get from it. Plus the quoted price is for both parts, A+B.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
If you want cheap with self correcting pH you can put in water you let sit. (6 hours min) Id recommend jungle juice. less then 10 a bottle.

Plain tap water is fine. Do you want to see a pic of a plant grown in .4 EC tap water that I let sit for 6 hours then go?

Sometimes I just pour right away. People are over overcautious.

Id be more worried about over feeding if your new. They need very little. And stable pH in dwc. thats it. Airflow. Ventilation. Humidity in veg. They like to be left alone.



Well-Known Member
I use water straight from the tap,without letting it sit at all. Most municipalities add chemicals to the water that dont leach out even after sitting for 24 hrs anyways. Only time you should be concerned about tap water in dwc is if you run organic nutrients/teas. The chlorine in the tap water will kill off the beneficial bacteria in your res and basically turn your res into a sewer. If you run synthetic nutriens, tap water is just fine. General Hydroponics makes a decent and easy to follow synthetic nute line called the Flora Series which includes everything you will need to feed from day 1 to harvest and its not too bad on the wallet either.
Should i just get the the main three+floracleen or the whole line and i read using blackstrap molassas durring flowering really packs on the weight is it true


Well-Known Member
Dont get sold on all the "snake oil" concoctions everyone will try to sell you. 90% of everything everyone will try to sell you in a bottle can be achieved in good genetics including flavor,crystals,weight,rooting etc. A good dry/cure usually takes care of a lot of flavor and bag appeal as well. Stick with the basics is my advice on that matter. I would suggest either a 3 part Flora Series which is the Grow/Micro/Bloom since they have an easy feed schedule to follow and its right on the bottles all color coded for you. Also, if you want simplicity with results you can get an "all in one" nutrient like the FloraNova which makes a 1 part for veg and a 1 part for flower. Doesnt get much more simple than that and its what I currently use and the plants love it. It also has buffers in it that keep your pH in check which saves money on pH+/-....specially if you are running dwc/rdwc.
I know this isnt really gonna apply to much for my area bcuz prices for electric and water prices are diffrent by company and area but on average how much does it cost you guys to go from seed or clone to finished product once you buy the equipment