I want to be known as the one who brought LST supercropping to the masses at Overgrow and ICmag (not the one who created it tho, that was Delta at Hempcultivation)
What you do know me for is the Overgrow growFAQ on supercropping, the one brought to us by NYPD in a 1999 High Times article. That's the one where you snap the hurd. I despise being known for that FAQ, do not use that method (havent since 2002, shortly after I wrote it) and patiently ask any website that has it to remove it so I can replace it with a LST article. So far,no one has taken me up on it. :sigh:
Here is the ICMAG thread I wrote in 2004.
I submitted this to the Overgrow FAQ people, but the site went down before it could replace the High Stress Training article. And now I live with that damn thing associated with my name forever.
Back on topic, I also have a submission on square containers in the OG FAQ