Questions about plant sex and size limitations. [1000W 4x4 Tent]


My setup is:
4x4 Tent
1000W HPS
XXXL Air Cooled Reflector
8" Inline Fan
6 plants (5gal pots if I recall)
Fox Farm nutrients

I am growingnorthern lights and I am about two weeks into flowering.

My first question is whether or not these plants are showing sex, and if the things in these pictures are pollen sacs. They looks very similar to the ones in this picture

However it appears they are all over, in the spots that they hairs and sacs should appear, and all around where the buds should be. Here are a couple pictures:

Another question I have is size limits. I am only two weeks into flowering and one of them is already pressing against the light, and the light is about as high as it can go. Also they are getting pretty thick, I imagine I will open up room once I remove males (when the sex shows or if they are now) and maybe kill off the one that looks a bit sad. So my question is what should I do about my tent being almost full only two weeks in.

Thanks for any help, it's very appreciated

ps. They might be a little behind, there were some temperature issues and grew pretty slow in the beginning in the beginning and I might have turned to flowering a bit late seeing as how big they are now. I wasn't too certain about when to switch to flowering.

Edit: Apologies for the massive pictures, I'm not sure how to downscale them.


Active Member
lol sorry just had to post this.

Anyway in my room if plants get too tall i just pinch and bend over the main cola. Me being new there's prob a better method.


is it too late to save (what to appears to be maybe 1 female?) Or is there anyway to tell if the female (if it even is one, I need to go inspect again after your replies) has been polinated? I am guessing it is doubtful however with all of that "baby powder" in the area

Thanks for the quick replies by the way, I really appreciate it.


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every picture you posted are males

I am a beginner so I could very easily be wrong, but I went to take out the males and inspected the front left one (it might be hard to see on my desktop with a 30" monitor the picture is scary large, but on my laptop it is hard to see, so i'm not sure how large the pictures are) but after checking I am almost certain this one is a female. I can't find a single sac on her. I took all of the rest out and left her for now, I figure I have nothing to lose, but she looks much different so I am pretty certain shes a girl.



Active Member
yea i have to agree that looks like a female. have any close up shots of her parts? ;) kinda hard to tell with that picture


Well-Known Member
Not a total loss....least not yet. Keep an eye on her and c how she does. Look at it this way, if she did get polinated then u got a bbunch of free seeds


Not a total loss....least not yet. Keep an eye on her and c how she does. Look at it this way, if she did get polinated then u got a bbunch of free seeds
Awesome, will moving her into a bigger pot help increase yields or do I get what I get at this point?

For thinking the total thing was a bust I can be happy with some free seeds :P


Well-Known Member
Males, but you might as well let them finish and get a crop out of it. Females have more THC but the
guys can be potent too. Do a regular harvest by watching the trichomes turn milky and amber.

After ther grow is done it would be a good idea to wash down the whole room. I use a weak bleach
solution and try to wipe down everything. Don't forget to turn the fans off and wipe down the blades.
You do not want male pollen floating around after you are done with them.

I'm surprised you can fit more than 4 5-gallon pots in your little area. That is the max I'd say.

You have to top them to stay under the light. Topping will make them bushier, which you do not want.
Use smaller 1-2-gallon pots and experiment more.

Where did you get the beans/clones to make you think they were ladies?

Good luck, BigSteve.