questions about new products i just bought.


Well-Known Member
just got back form the hydroponic store and still have receipt in hand if returns are needed.
I'll start by saying what i bought:
1.calimagic by General Hydroponics
2.great white premium mycorrhizae

I also have the General Hydroponics flora trio series
flora micro, floragro, florabloom

My question is in what order should i use these nutes and bacteria. I want to know if i can mix them in a ph balanced gallon of water all together or if i should use them every other day or how i should use them. now ive been using the flora trio every other watering(every 2-3 days). Now that i have calimagic and great white i'm not sure how to use them correctly they didn't come with instructions. Great white did but all it says is 1 teaspoon-per 2 gallons. i need to know whats the best way to use all these beneficial products and in what order. thanks you so much RIU community. by the way im a newbie grower haha