questions about my hydro kit/ converting my hydro kit


New Member
hello everyone so i bought a hydroponics kit a good while back. I'v tried to use it before but really didn't know what i was doing so that is one reason i joined the forum. I hope i can get some good help and get this going. So the kit that i have is a 5 gallon bucket with 4 pods in the lid with a water pump that goes in the bottom of the bucket with a tube that runs up from the pump to a T connector where a hole is at in the middle of the bucket lid there it splits off with a tube going to each pod. The other night i was looking around on the net and found out that they have came up with bubbleponic systems. So my question is if I'm looking for quick big harvests what would be better just keep the kit i have as a hydroponic system like it is? Or convert it to a bubbleponic system? and if bubbleponics is going to be faster and better for what im looking for can i convert the kit i have to a bubbleponics system? I can put some pics up if need be I'm just really stuck right now deciding because of my lack of Knowledge. so if you can let me know anything that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


Well-Known Member
its a drip ? is it on a timer or constant flow?
if you dont have bubbles in your bucket i can see why you had problems with it
you could start them on drip then shut it off after established and just use bubbles


Well-Known Member
just one meduim sized pump and a good stone
i liked the rectangle ones like 5" long when i played with dwc


New Member
Ok so i went to the store and i picked up the rectangle 5 inch bubble stone and a 5-15 gallon air pump that pumps up to 1200cc per minute. Is this good enough? and also the pump came with a check valve in the box also do i need to use the check valve?


Well-Known Member
yes it will keep your res from siphoning out during a power failure
and yes just place the stone in the middle of the bucket

bongsmilie now get on with it you owe me some bud porn :)


New Member
lol well thank you for your help man. But I'm still a ways away from getting started I'm going tp need more info. I don't have a place to set it up yet or decided a place yet for the fact of if i want to use a closet or get a grow tent. Then i still need to get everything for the ventilation and find out what kind of lights is the best to use with out breaking the bank and then how to set everything up. but i will most deff keep you posted for sure i just need more help lol


New Member
ok so I'm making a trip to some stores tomorrow like lowes and some other stores like it with good gardening departments seen some Jobe's Houseplant Plant Food Spikes and also seen some root boost will these things help me any with being a first timer and if you have any suggestions on what i should look for please share with me


New Member
Ok so after going out and shoppin around yesterday i came home with a 4 pack of 23 watt daylight CFL's with the 5000K light apprearenceand 1600 lumens iv seen alot of people using these so i hope i can use them and i also got a thermometer and hygrometer in one


New Member
Grow tent and light set up almost on the way. VERY EXCITE. And does anyone know of any good nutrients I can get off e bay for a reasonable price that is easy to use for new growers? Brands, and what nutrients I need that would help out would be appreciated. Thank you