Question. Which X Magnification should I buy?


Well-Known Member
I have a 30x a 45x and a 60-100x.

With the 30x it is difficult to see individual trichomes for my average eyes.
With 45x lighted I have to strain a bit, but if you keep it steady you can see every thing.
The 60-100x gets in too tight for me.

45x lighted is my favorite. I gave the 60-100x to my kids.

Mine is like this, but white:



Well-Known Member
hahahaha okay okay steady on Stonerzzzzzzzzzz! :)

I have always harvested by judging: " ripeness "

But Since I Now Know About Trichomes >>>>>>> Might as well Check-Them-Out! and seeeeeeee

Clear / Cloudy or Amber


Like Fun 2 Me



Well-Known Member
Love Ebay!

Got This One!

And it Works!!!!!!!!

Ladies n Gents I have SeeeeeeN the Trichomes!!!!!!!!!!!! (round of applause?)

Thou now Im having sum trouble distinguishing btw clear n cloudy coz they ALL look cloudy but can't all BE cloudy except that they cud coz the plant looks ready

so perhaps they r just ALL cloudy n I see cloudy coz they r - u guyz following me on this?
