Question to those with blueberry grow experience.

Hey everyone,

Not sure if this is the right forum for it, but it seems as close as any really. This isn't really a problem, just a curiosity.

I have a grow with some blueberry bud feminized from sagarmatha seeds. I also have two autoflower strains running in the same area. A few weeks ago, the AF's went into flowering and the odor started picking up. Until today I assumed it was the AF's that were smelling.

However, today I moved the blueberry out of the room to put it in a flowering area. Now, it is not in flower yet, but this thing reeks. lol

With it out of the tent in its own area... the odor seems to have followed it.

My question is, is this normal for this strain? I had read on the seed vendors site, that it was fairly mild for odor, which was one of the many reasons I wanted to try it. I know right... a vendor lied in a sales write up? UNPOSSIBLE! :cuss:

just curious if any of you have some experience with blueberry. If this thing stinks like this now before flower, I am concerned what will happen during.

Thanks for your time.



Active Member
Once I had tried clones from a friend who said they were Blueberry. From what I noticed, I thought they stunk during vegg more than they did during flower. But then again, if you keep good ventilation, the smell shouldn't get too strong. Again though, I noticed it mellowed out when it went into flower.
hey thanks for responding :)

ya, that's fine. I guess I was just surprised to find out the 2 flowering plants are putting out almost nothing for smell, and the one in veg is causing the stank.

Was just curious if this is common with this strain. I have 3 clones warming up and if 1 smells like this, 3 will be a problem without some rework on my grow area.


Medi 1

Well-Known Member
all id say is what you concider a bad odour they breeders may not. to mne blue berry isnt a strong smeller
Thanks Medi1,
I can certainly understand that as a possibility. That is another reason why I was hoping for some people with some experience with the blueberry strain. I don't see it mentioned a lot, but I have seen it mentioned, so I was hoping for some feedback on others experiences.



Well-Known Member
I have played with the blueberry for sure, i also found that similar 'smelling MORE in veg than in flower'. I though i was just stoned, but there ya go!
nothing to be worried about, i would try to keep that pheno in the family, but sounds like your just lookin for some quality bud ASAP without blowin up your spot.

Should be just fine, if not look up carbon scrubbers in the DIY section.
hope this helps!

-moose :leaf:
Thanks moose!

ya, I will do something with a carbon scrubber eventually, I have just been wondering about this strain. I have seen quite a few people mention growing it, but not nearly as many as the Kush or WW strains. Just trying to get some information.
