question on stunted plant


Well-Known Member
If you stunt the plant several times at a young age. Can it make a full recovery, or is it fucked up?


Well-Known Member
pics would definitely help out on determining that.
however from no pics i can tell you that the plant can make a recovery if you give it the things it needs. ie proper lighting water nutrients soil etc
treat it right and you can bring it back.. but we cant predict it will be 100% like a plant grown from seed with no issues

I wounder if it is similair to my runt. It sprouted about 4 days after the one you can kind of see in the picture. I am guesing that the roots are damaged or rotten. One tip of the leaf is started to change color kind of like a brownish. I think it will soon be on deaths doorstep.


Well-Known Member
ive had a few that sprouted like that in my time of growing.. maybe about 10. probably only 2 of them did a turn around and actually grew
i believe some seeds are just


Active Member
Just let it grow, don't think too much of it though, take care of your other ladies. Maybe this one will catch up. I had one like that once but it recovered and was one of my best plants so you never know, but don't kill it.