Question on sexing


Active Member
OK im fairly sure ive spotted a male plant. But before i hack it down i just want to ask one thing. When they start showing sex really early on, will female plants look like males? The reason im thinking its a male is near the top of the plant it has clusters of three round/elliptical shaped growths. And alot of the pics ive seen show that for early signs of a male plant. But i havent found any good pic's or early signs of a female plant so thats why im asking. Heck for all i know it could be too early to tell as it is. Wish i had a digi so i could post a pic of what im seeing. Any help is appreciated.

Also is it true male plants grow alot faster then females? Cause this same plant has doubled its hight in just over a week and now towers over my other 2.


Active Member
it is true that males grow quicker than females and it does sound like you do have a male, which is sad! but wait a little while. if the pods grow off on a stem and get bigger that is def a male. if the little balls shoot little white hairs it is a hermy. either way i would cut it. but just wait another week to be sure. if there is very little balls at the base of the internodes and little white hairs sprout off it is female. this sounds confusing i know but if the balls are 1 mm wide its male, if they are 10th of a mm and sprouting hairs its female. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
It sure sounds like a male to me. If you could post a pic or two, I could tell you for sure and you could avoid wasting your time and just get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
I am not so sure that a male grows faster than a female,I think it has more to do with genetics than gender. Its just coincidence that the males have been the bigger ones probably. I have had a male be the smallest one out of 5 females so that kinda blows the theory. Let your plant grow out until you can be totally sure its a male, once they really show its not hard at all to tell.


Well-Known Member
if no experience in sexing .... then it could be hard for you ... i have a plant thats about 1 week old .... after germination and whatnot for a month ...... i can tell that its a female already because where the branch starts to shoot out from the main stem theres what i like to call 'pussy lips' cause it pretty much looks like that until the plant gets way bigger then they start to spread and clear pistils shoot out. ive never seen males before but i once thought all my plants were males cause i saw pods like male balls that were opened but i was trippin and found pistils closer to the top


Well-Known Member
males almost always grow taller and faster than females from what I have seen. I just found a male plant that showed preflowers at only 13 days old.


Well-Known Member
I got duped by a false male. (was hoping for one) But turned out a gal.

I was looking at the preflowers, I thought, and it was more lanky then my females of the past.

You also didn't say if you were just in veg or flowering (and how long in flowering if so). Nor how old/big or # of nodes. That makes a big diff.