Question on nuting during fliwering?


Well-Known Member
well its not so much when, but how much, that you should worry about dialing in. as far as i can tell the general rule of thumb is nute every other watering, however often that may be (for soil obviously). trick is finding out how much it can take without damaging it.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
I have outdoor 6-8 footers that are eating up nutes every 2-3 days. I was thinking about lowering the PPM and moving to every other day, but I feed organics (slow release) so I think they enjoy the feed every few days.

You are currently at the point where a PK spike will be great for your plant and enhancing flower growth.

If you post pics & give us some detailed info about your grow then you'll receive some better advice. Hard to help when all I know is that they are 6 footers in week 4. Indoor/Outdoor would help? What strain? How big of pots, if you're using them? What PPM are you feeding? What nutes are you using (brand/name/synthetic/organic)?


Active Member
Thanks man if you check my grow under my sig it has alot of pictures.
Also iam using maxi bloom for the flowering cycle. There outdoors in the ground. Also this is my first grow and I'm not sure what ppm is lol?if that deals with the ph the maxi series is a nute were you really don't have to worry about the ph.
Also I've been giving it 2 teaspoons per 1 gallon of water every other watering. Yesturday I actually gave it 2 teaspoons and this morning I gave it 1 teaspoon, just to see if she can handle it good. If she shows no bad signs I think I'm gunna do 2 teaspoons then 1 teaspoon repeat. 1 thing I worry about is giving her to much becuase I've herd that you can get root lockout, or something like that. Once again this is my first grow and I do appretiate the critiqueing, so critiqe away!! I'm open for any and all suggestions
dude when you harvest go buy yourself a ppm meter.( part per millions) this has nothing to do with ph. if you want consistency you will want to pick one of these up. its well worth the 100 bucks and you might as well pick up a combo pen(ppm/ph). oh by the way always check ph before fertin the plants. even if the nutes say ph balanced your water at your house may not be ideal for growing.


Active Member
dude when you harvest go buy yourself a ppm meter.( part per millions) this has nothing to do with ph. if you want consistency you will want to pick one of these up. its well worth the 100 bucks and you might as well pick up a combo pen(ppm/ph). oh by the way always check ph before fertin the plants. even if the nutes say ph balanced your water at your house may not be ideal for growing.
For sure I'm not exactly sure what they are for but if you say it's worth it then I trust you. I'll have to google it. Also I have natural well water that's very very nice for my plants. I know what your saying though.


Active Member
Lol when I saw this thread title I thought you meant like "busting a nut" during flowering to some bud porn. hah im high.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
You definetely want to buy that PPM/PH combo unit

It will take away all the guessing about strength & assuming of PH that you are currently going thru. I can tell you there is a 99% change there are some adjustments you will have to make on every feed if you prepare them the way you usually do and then test. The results could be quite suprising and informative.


Active Member
For sure so far I've been doing it by how she looks, and she's really kikin some ass, putting on some big flowers these last few days.