question on idea for growing..


Active Member
ok for now i only have one aero garden.. im buying a second.. but for my first grow could i just take the bag seed and start from 12/12 right at the start than after that once i find the sex's take the balls of some of the males and keep them in a seal bag until i decide to make more seeds if i need them.. than once i remove the males and take cuttings from the females than could i just take those cuttings and start over from 24/0 until i decide to flower? any helpful ideas are welcomed please no negativeness im here to start growing again just need a little more refreshing of the memory =) thank u =)


Active Member
No, grow them out under floros till their at least til you can get clones from it.............take some cuttings from each and mark them........then flower the ones you just took clones from....find out how many males you got.........take the best male which you already have clones of and then kill the rest of the males.......then grow the male clone in veg till you want seeds.............then veg all the girls till the originals are done..............pic a mother or two out of the clones and your good to go in the future...........