question on hydroponic change


Ok guys I got a question I am currently running a ebb and flow system but was wonder at the last week of flowering if I can change it to a dwc plain ro water so it can taste better and not like nutes would it affect the plant stress wise ??? Or the end product


Well-Known Member
i cant taste the difference, other folk say they can , there are lots of threads about it
folk find it hard to agree, you will have to decide for yourself, do both see if you can tell the difference



Well-Known Member
Thanks m8, someone at some point is going to tell you flushing is for toilets

you were warned lol

Flushing is for toilets. Lol.

In all seriousness you need to check it out for yourself.

I reduce my nute strength a bit during my final 7-10 days but never does plain water go through my plants roots.
