Question on heat. 600hps vs 400 cree cob


Well-Known Member
I had a 600hps air cooled hood and was wondering would my room be cooler having that vs a non cooled 400 watt cree led setup?
If you have a fan for your plants or put a fan above the cobs they cool quite well.. With hps a lot of heat is cast at the canopy.. With leds the heat rises thru the heatsink and is dispersed evenly..
I had a 600hps air cooled hood and was wondering would my room be cooler having that vs a non cooled 400 watt cree led setup?
It will be much cooler because like HD said 200 watts less but another difference is the IR in the hps which will make it hotter for your plants.
I had a 600hps air cooled hood and was wondering would my room be cooler having that vs a non cooled 400 watt cree led setup?
Yes because you are removing the heat. If you mount your cobs inside a hood it would not matter. The difference would then be apples to apples ane 600w of lumens will be warmer than 400w of lumens.
Hmmm. Ok.... so i have no idea. Im hearing two opposing views. I mean yes its 200 watts less but my understanding is watts vs watts wouldnt make sense because led is more efficient so its using more of its watts thus creating less waste ie heat. I understand the heatsinks will dissipate the heat, but a cool tube is taking away a lot of the radiant heat from the hps. The heatsinks of the led will be radiating into the room and not going away... ? Guess im having a hard time understanding
It's difficult to say. You will have 200w less heat being produced with the LED but there are other factors.

If both systems were venting from tent into the same room the HPS setup will produce a higher ambient temp in the room. It may be cooler in the tent using the LED if your exhaust is pulling the air out fast enough. Whether that's the case or not would require testing.

If you're exhausting outside the room (or if the ambient temp wasn't changing much) the situation changes but it's still difficult to say and would still depend on the flow rate for both systems. Since we don't know how much heat is skipping the tent with the cool tube it's difficult to compare under any circumstance.
its gonna be a wash on temp

overall you will use less power and heat your room/house up less

without venting your tent/room will be a little warmer but due to lack of IR in cob spectrum your plants will want the room 5 degrees higher for optimum leaf temps
but my understanding is watts vs watts wouldnt make sense because led is more efficient

More efficient means you need less watts of electricity to get the same amount of light, but watts are still watts. 600W is 200W more than 400W regardless of efficiency.

If you consume 600W at the wall, you're putting 600j/s of heat into your room, even if the lamp is 100% efficient. Being 100% efficient simply means the heat is all in the form of light (aka visible radiant heat). That radiation doesn't just slip into the void. You would have to deal with ~600W of cooling even with 100% efficiency because that's 600W of radiation..

If 1W of visible light can do this
, what do you think 600W of visible light can do?
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Just figured id let people know in my case 1200w cree led in a room is a lot hotter than my 1800w hps air cooled in the same room. Im going to try and build a cool tube for the led heatsinks
I found the same thing to be true.
What I wanted to do was put the drivers outside the room like I did w/ my ballasts. Then if it was still to hot then consider venting the LEDs too.