Question On Getting Your Bud Ready For Smoke.......


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody..... Can some one guide me to where I can read up on what to do after you have hung them and have been through the mason jar burping process...... ( AT THIS POINT IS WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE ) Meaning like from your bud to the rolling paper....? stuff like : Do you remove the center stem? etc..... thank you :peace:


Well-Known Member
lots of websites mate...too many to recommend really but easily found with the search engines...did you know though you should cure it for weeks before enjoying, unless you cant wait of course but its well worth the wait :wink:


Active Member
Once you have jared it and it has cured its ready to smoke. I dont take the stems out unless there big but that your preference Id say your ready to enjoy your bud man.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Trim and put in mason jars, then open 2x's a day or the easy way put in paper bag for a few days and put in mason jars. You are "curing " your product, shortest cure time is 2 weeks but 1 month is better, watch for mold in curring