Question On DMT


Well-Known Member
The guy i am getting it from is one of my friends man and he wouldnt sell me shit i get Acid from him all the time i will definitely be trying some dmt soon :), Thanks anyways if i ever want to extract it my self i will hit you up:bigjoint:
It only cost around $200 bucks for all the chemicals and all the root bark needed to make like 10 grams so I'm pretty sure your guy isn't trying to rip you off.

DMT Street prices are much higher than that, I wouldn't buy from that guy, its a lot higher for the dmt crystals, at least 100 at a time for 10 or so trips.
Lets see 10 grams is what 10,000 mg, 10,000 mg = what like 200 very nice doses to 300 small ones. Do the rest of the math, his buddy is still going to at the very least double his profits and he is helping spread the word of the "GODS:mrgreen:". His friend is not consumed with greed yet, I would say.



Well-Known Member
buddy you obviously have no idea what dmt is, its a 10 minute(yet seemingly endless in you subconscious state) hallucinatory spritual experience(should be) where all of your senses are completely shutoff from your nervous system, and if you are lying down or in a isolation tank(recommended, i mean this is D.M.T. not no street drug, this is a LIFE EXPERIENCE WHEN YOU DO THIS) you should not i repeat NOT underestimate this shit. If you have done salvia and REALLY tripped like on the 240 x and shit, then you have some relation to what dmt is like, excepot salvia is evil, and DMT you are guaranteed to see an "Intelligent being" in your hallucination that will tell you something about life or some shit its always somehting important. Salvia is just fucked.

Listen, dont do DMT just because you have done acid, or shrooms or anything, its not like that, at all. The true way to experience it is in a dark room or the jungle would be optimal, chilling with a Shaman, or a medicine man (i dream to do this before i die) taking Ayahausca Brew and being enlightened in the jungle for like 22hours straight.
DO DMT if you think you are ready for some crazy ass "message" that you need to learn and the most intense thing you could ever imagine(usually the trips always resemble 3D Geometrical shapes that in some way or form explain the inner cogworkings of the universe and shit. thats like 99% of the time what you will see, other 1%, probably a random assortment of wierd shit becuase you have some mental baggage left back up there unresolved.
If you have any serious problems(stress, unresolved conflicts that affect you etc. DO NOT DO IT, it WILL fuck with you)


Well-Known Member
yea its a O.B.E , you will not be conscious as you know it. CHances are it will be the first time your senses ever really are let go and you just float away into a state you could only imagine possible. And its what Buddhists do all day.(meditating can give you the exact same shit DMT can, if done correctly)


Well-Known Member
I am not doing DMT cuz of Ive done a bunch of psychedelics, i am doing for the experience, i dont belive in god i belive that psychedelics played a big row on are human evolution so i want to explore my mind and DMT sounds like what i am looking for(i would love to sit with a shaman and eperiment my self) thanks the cocerns thats y i posted this tread cuz i want to hear peoples experience and i wanted to hear the good and bad :mrgreen:


Active Member
i dont belive in god i belive that psychedelics played a big row on are human evolution
Absolutely right. Religion was just created so that man could have a way to explain how everything works etc.

I really have a deeper understanding on life and myself after doing shrooms yesterday.


Well-Known Member
well you may not believe in the god but if you are convinced you got put here y accident/no reason and serve no purpose enjoy your life, im not tryna argue religion here, no point.
But i solely think it is rationally and logically insane and inept to lay back on the thought of, "humans are an accident and planets flew into each other and made a perfectly interconnecting environment full of thousands of different species all having a purpose and interacting with each other to progress." I suggest doing dmt, i guarantee you will believe in some form of "god" after it.
And The basis of all psychedelic trips have hiigher intelligent beings in them as the main focus, doing something right? so psychedelics still induce "god" like beings into your mind.

But you are correct also, religion is created for us to feel secure, and none of them are 100% right. But if you think they are all 100% wrong and there is no higher beings, god help you.

"In the Holy book of Genesis 1:26 it stands Let us make man under our likeness under our command, first of all whose they? see if god was truly a single entity thats not what he would say" Even the bible contradicts itself, it was written by human hands, and those hands are mediums of reflection of that ones mind, which because of its nature (human) will forever be biased, and never an even opinion, so you will never achieve 100% absolute fact. Plain and simple. Humans are greedy and sociopathic people, and the other .001% Live as hermits in the mountains.
Canibus, Channel Zero


Well-Known Member
yeah man unfortunately i believed at one point not any more all this god and religion stuff don't make since to me, but lets not talk religion cuz we can spend years arguing and not get any were lol i respect you opinion dough my wife and the rest of my family are believers:mrgreen:

Man i cant wait to experience DMT i will tell you guys my wife ain't so happy that i want to try, but she doesn't do any drugs so its hard for her to understand were i am coming from but she totally open minded and respects what i want to do even if she dont like it as much lol


Well-Known Member
Religion and God as it pertains to the DMT experience is just a simplification of our understanding, sure we can call "it", "God" but what it is, is still a mystery and ties in with each individuals definitions of reality. If a person is convinced that humans did not appear on this planet accidentally then that intuition could just be exacerbated while in the DMT trance and the feeling that "God" is real or there may come into fruition. This is because Psychedelics are non-specific amplifiers of our ideas and definitions of reality. Believing these messages can lead to delusions of grandeur and messiah complexes (Leary, and Mckenna come to mind). I think humans and the DMT experience must be very careful because of the "otherworldly" feeling that is almost universal to all DMT users. The condescending and sanctimonious attitude that can manifest can not be over stressed. Humans who use psychedelics must be very careful as to take these substances "messages" or what the beings may say while on DMT with a grain of salt. When I say take these messages with a grain of salt I am talking about the answers to the questions that have no answers, for instance: Why are we here? Who are we? Is reality some cosmic joke for the God(s)? Is there a God(s)?

I am not talking about personal introspection, which psychedelics may have alot of sobering answers about our personality and why each individual does the things he does.

I suggest reading, alot of reading, first read Terrence Mckenna's "Tryptamines Hallucinogens and Consciousness", then read James Kent's "The case against the DMT elves". And then try DMT, only if you feel ready.

Happy trails


Well-Known Member
giannis 100% right, its all what we can relate to, i believe in a "God" but i do not believe he is the one percieved in the bible, nor is Heaven. LMAO Clouds and harps playing? FUCK NO!
Thats the only thing that we can relate to our minds experience and reality and we could not actually percieve anything outside of our own existence and what we are. Human bodies in the afterlife? my ASs, im thinkin more like, neon glowing beams of light floating through the universe is what the afterlife is to me, but its still an afterlife, and a conscious one. But to sit there and to conclude that there is nothing out there but us, and this insane accident, is ludicrous and naive in my opinion, but like an asshole everyone has one of those. So we cannot argue over religion because it is an endless argument and one which human minds could not ever solve, because we do not have close to the right perception of what REALLY went down with our creation, until we die.