Question On DMT


Well-Known Member
So i just picked up some acid and i was talking with my friend the guy i get it from and he can get me DMT i was just wondering how many of you have experimented with it? and how was it?how much does it usually cost?how much do you usually smoke to get a good high out of it?
I have done acid lots of times and shrooms and ecstasy, what do i need to know to have a good experience i heard its very intense so i want to be ass ready ass i can be:)

Thanks for the feedback:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
DMT is definitely something to try, but you must feel ready. Street prices are usually fairly high in mark up, you could easily extract it yourself for the price you would pay for much less on the street, but if you dont want to take the risk them I would say its worth it. If you want a "good" experience I would say 80mg in a dark room, if you just want to dabble go for 30-50mg (hopefully you have a mg scale). Did the guy tell you how much it would cost to buy?
Good luck


Active Member
well from what i know you dont smoke it but ive taken like 500 mg from robotussin and i was pretty fucked up so if you do it dont look at bright stuff trust me man it will freak you the fuck out . like light bulbs the sun tv's computer screens stuff like that lol


well from what i know you dont smoke it but ive taken like 500 mg from robotussin and i was pretty fucked up so if you do it dont look at bright stuff trust me man it will freak you the fuck out . like light bulbs the sun tv's computer screens stuff like that lol

thats dxm (dextromethorphan)... not dmt; whole diff chemical there


Well-Known Member
Man i don't remember how much mg he said he could give me for 10 bucks, but he said i could take 3 to 4 trips out of it.

Why do you say its good to trip with the light off? i was thinking of going to the beach and doing it over there, what you guys think?

Next time i see him i will definitely pick up some i think lol

No body here has tried DMT? let me hear some experiences



Well-Known Member
The beach would be quite awesome, but I recommended the lights off because its my preference. No physical objects for distractions, just keep looking forward into the darkness and let the visuals envelope your field of vision.

Heres someone else's experience from a month ago:

The actual experience as it pertains to memory takes on a dream like quality, only remembering splices of the actual experience. After the exhale the body starts to vibrate on another frequency. Life breaks down to a concept reality, where all knowledge is just words and concepts and how we apply these words and concepts, a literal feeling of transcendence above language. The visuals have a tribal (hindu, aztec, mayan all combined into one) quality, the "beings" were seen they looked like the ghosts from pacman but elongated. They would morph into and out of the multi-colored fractal vision. It grows with intensity until its almost threatening, it peaks, and then it tappers off. This all lasts about 5 min


Well-Known Member
DMT is the shit man! if you can get 4 doses for 10 dollars do it! I would put a dose on a bowl of herb in a bong, and rip it as hard as you can... hold it as long as possible, and make sure someone is close by to take the bong from you because you might drop it! the onset of dmt is about ten seconds. I usally get two bong rips before I melt into the couch! close your eyes/ be in a dark room for the best bang... instense visual hallucinatiuons are sure to ensue


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tip i will definitely will be trying some it sounds really crazy and fun, as soon as i try it i will post my experience:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
So i just picked up some acid and i was talking with my friend the guy i get it from and he can get me DMT i was just wondering how many of you have experimented with it? and how was it?how much does it usually cost?how much do you usually smoke to get a good high out of it?
I have done acid lots of times and shrooms and ecstasy, what do i need to know to have a good experience i heard its very intense so i want to be ass ready ass i can be:)

Thanks for the feedback:bigjoint:
Have you tried it yet???


Well-Known Member
Have you tried it yet???
No haven't done yet, just did some acid this past weekend so i am going to wait a month before i do some DMT:bigjoint:

I am stocked about doing one of my friend will be joining me on this journey lol, i will probably go pick some up next weekendbongsmilie

i will definitely be posting my and my friends experience


Well-Known Member
Awesome, can't wait to hear about it. Have you or your friend sit sober while the other person takes their hit, sort of like babysitting.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thats the plan :bigjoint:
You guys are going to have one hell of a trip. It's just like mushrooms or LSD just a lot more intense high, at high enough doses your eyes will roll into the back of your head and you just fall asleep or pass out or something. You will feel it before you ever blow the first hit out(around 50-80mg depending on ones weight and tolerance), you see everything change into colored spectrum's and geometrical patterns then everything goes and you fall into the other side of the trip. When I say you fall into the other side of the trip I am referring to you passing out. My buddy has blacked out from eating too much LSD and mushrooms, but never experienced a tryptamine so intense in his life. You will pass out if you smoke the right amount, don't worry it is all a part of the trip and goes away before long. It can be quite frightening, but not as frightening as my buddy has found Salvia devinorum. While you are passed out you will have a sort of dream and wake up in only a few minutes, when you come back you will still be tripping harder than you ever have before. It will gradually stage down into nothing, no head ace or after effects are noticed in 40 minutes to an hour.

If you guys like LSD and mushrooms, you'll love DMT. Wish you guys the best of luck on your endeavor.:peace:



Well-Known Member
DMT is the shit man! if you can get 4 doses for 10 dollars do it! I would put a dose on a bowl of herb in a bong, and rip it as hard as you can... hold it as long as possible, and make sure someone is close by to take the bong from you because you might drop it! the onset of dmt is about ten seconds. I usally get two bong rips before I melt into the couch! close your eyes/ be in a dark room for the best bang... instense visual hallucinatiuons are sure to ensue
ya thats a good deal!


Well-Known Member
The first few times it was the best feeling and experience ever. But then on the fourth and fith it was like my past salvia trips, too intense and no fun. It's good ocasionally but more than once a month is an overkill.

It bascally induces a heavy "dream"(I say it's the REAL world) state for about five minutes, real quick but interesting.


Active Member
Man i don't remember how much mg he said he could give me for 10 bucks, but he said i could take 3 to 4 trips out of it.

Why do you say its good to trip with the light off? i was thinking of going to the beach and doing it over there, what you guys think?

Next time i see him i will definitely pick up some i think lol

No body here has tried DMT? let me hear some experiences

DMT Street prices are much higher than that, I wouldn't buy from that guy, its a lot higher for the dmt crystals, at least 100 at a time for 10 or so trips. If you grow the plant and extract it yourself, you'll save time and money. Hit me up for the website if you want it. Defintely do DMT, it is that dream like trip that you thought acid would be. It is such an intensive trip its almost like salvia just 100 times more powerful


Well-Known Member
DMT Street prices are much higher than that, I wouldn't buy from that guy, its a lot higher for the dmt crystals, at least 100 at a time for 10 or so trips. If you grow the plant and extract it yourself, you'll save time and money. Hit me up for the website if you want it. Defintely do DMT, it is that dream like trip that you thought acid would be. It is such an intensive trip its almost like salvia just 100 times more powerful
The guy i am getting it from is one of my friends man and he wouldnt sell me shit i get Acid from him all the time i will definitely be trying some dmt soon :), Thanks anyways if i ever want to extract it my self i will hit you up:bigjoint: