Question: Lowlife White Russian Drying


I do hempy-style in a PC under CFLs (3x23 watts) for personal consumption. I just harvested and trimmed a Lowlife White Russian. This is my first white strain and it had a very compact central cola. My other grows have been much more branchy. These nugs were very dense (and a pain to trim).

lowlife wr.jpglowlife wr2.jpg

For drying purposes, do I need to break these up into smaller nugs? Am I at risk for mold or other problems? I am drying in the PC case with the fan blowing (no lights)

Any advice appreciated. I know the yield isn't much, but it is plenty for me. I rigged a little auto-watering system for my hempy cup. I was actually out of town for roughly a third of the 10 weeks of growing (not all at the same time).