question guys


Active Member
I close on my home in 3 months. give or take a little bit; right now I have 1 1/2 month old from seed White Widow x Big Bud thats only about 6-7 inches tall but very thick bushy, not lanky by anymeans and then 2 Big Bombs that are only 3 weeks from seed; how soon can I put them both into 12/12?

I am concerned with closing on the home and trying to move the plants to the new home.


Well-Known Member
Like Budsworth said, you can probably flip it at 4th or 5th since that's around the time they show their sex.


Active Member
I had it topped 2 weeks ago, I was at around 6nodes and topped it down to about 4 or so.

I then was fighting off some root rot, and ended up transplanting from DWC to ebb and Flow. Now the growth has been delayed for last 2 weeks and now as of 24-48 hours I actually see growth.


Well-Known Member
If you are just recovering from some stress wait at least 7 days.

You can switch to 12/12 whenever you want. You can even do 12/12 from seed.

There is no set time before switching.

However good veg times with fewer plants helps to yield more.



Active Member
My plant seems to be very tight, hasnt gotten tall by any means; I am hoping it starts to grow a little.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I agree with jondamon. I try to visualize how much space they will take when I flip. Most strains I've grown triple in size when flipped.