Question for you all

big lou

Active Member
ive just put my cuttings into pot under a 600w sodium light. my leafs are starting to go yellow...wot could be the source.

maybe the lights 2 powerfull ??? if so shud i put a lesser light r move it further away untill they r bigger ?


Well-Known Member
How far is the light from the plant? Sound like maybe a nute problem. Maybe N? Need more info. Are you flowering already or still in veg?


Well-Known Member
Yellow is usually N def, but can be cause by wrong ph levels. salt build ups, being root bound... Gives us some more


Well-Known Member
Meeds you need to give it some kind of nute with some nitrogen in it. It could be caused by other things though... Gives us more info and maybe some pics


Well-Known Member
Micro's right! Don't just start fixing anything. Believe me man, this is what makes some growers better than others. Give a little more info and lets try to get to the bottom of this.

big lou

Active Member
ok...its my 1st time and i dont no shit lol

i got sum cuttings off a mate then put them in2 soil pots on friday...under a 600w soduim light roughly 2-3ft away. i giv them lots of water and have not touched them since, they on 18/6
the soil is all-mix. they are in a big open space ( my attic ) with no extrator fan or humidfier ! maybe i should try and upload some pictures tomorrow if i can. i dont no ph levels as i dnt have equipment to check


Well-Known Member
I had a papaya in dro that turned a brilliant yellow.This plant looked awesome but i knew it was sick.I use strips from walmart that are for fish tanks.they check 5 conditions.Turned out i was over nitrating.These strips ar worth there weight in gold,Ph,Hardness,Nitrate,Safe and something else.Ya cant go wrong with a 5 test combo.Peace Hydro


Well-Known Member
Good advice....yeah hook us up with some pics. You say plenty of water. I'm thinking you might be over watering. Are you leaves also droppy? Also are all the leaves yellowing or just the lower ones?

big lou

Active Member
Good advice....yeah hook us up with some pics. You say plenty of water. I'm thinking you might be over watering. Are you leaves also droppy? Also are all the leaves yellowing or just the lower ones?
yea its the top of the leaves closetest 2 the light

they on really small n its a 600w light...i think thats the problem