Question for waterfarm kit plus hydroton= algae


So it's a week into my new girls in my drip system tomorrow is cleaning bucket day and I noticed on the rocks algae has shown up on one bucket. Is this a bad thing? How can I stop it. Any advise would be great.


Cover it up so the water never sees light. That will work great. Algae is not the worst thing but if not treated it can be bad. But it sounds like your in the early stages so just covering it it will be just fine.


Well-Known Member
Make sure no light gets in like the other post says light encourages algae growth....algae can cause root rot which atleast can stunt growth and at worse kill it.
I use this stuff...that helps keep my res clean and free of organic growth and supposedly increases oxygen how ever i don't know much about drip systems as i'm dwc but have a look anyway.


So would aluminum foil work good? And what does that h202 do? Sorry to ask so much.. I use drip clean is that similar


Well-Known Member
drip clean could be similar a really don't know as i've not heard of drip clean..h202 is a kind of steriliser that keeps algae and other growths and bacteria at bay and increases oxygen tells you all about it on that link...i don't know about aluminium foil..just use anything that light can't get through...foil might work but it's easily pierced and could heat up.


Well-Known Member
i don't know mate,it could be...i know it's also used in the food industry and you get it in all different strenghts,but if you get your light leak sorted out,you may not even need it.

good luck man.

happy growing.