Question for the older crowd


Well-Known Member
I just came in from smoking a much needed blunt of good shit...

I went downstairs to eat my mexican food I then made, This has been my 3rd time smoking today because its Thanksgiving and im not really doing much.

I only normally smoke twice a day after I get off work.

I had to move back into my parents house because of my jaw getting broken...

So when I came in he starts yelling at me about how I have a serious Problem and I need to cut it out and I'm ruining my life.

I do not drink, smoke tobacco (except vary occasionally cigars), or any other type of drug including drinking coffee.

So while hes yelling at me about my "problems" I said something like problems lets not get on that subject.

And he continues to question and I said please dont get me started im trying to sit here and relax (so he keeps going furthering disrupting my much needed mind relaxing high)

And then I went off.

Started screaming about problems how my mother is the most stressed person in the world, how he is as nervous as a 90 year old about everything and needs to chill the hell out, how my mother and him are still married and hate and constantly cheat on each other, how my fathers family woulnt visit his dying father thats only 20 minutes away from them, and how my uncle beats his wife.

And then I followed with. "You think I have a problem smoking weed? Then so be it. Check your facts cause its not bad for me at all (stated that many times to them) Then I continued on with. Problems? If my smoking is such a problem then so be it, cause I see me as perfectly normal, I dont have any other "problems" while you all little "anti-pot" uneducated protesters are the most hypocritical fucks because you have more "problems" Then my only "problem" smoking. But you simply blow all the important shit like family, honesty, and trust off as being nothing. I said: "To me you all seem like you have all the problems.

Was I wrong for exploding in this manner? Sorry if the storys hard to follow im still fired up and not thinking 100% clearly.
Harsh in an amazing way! Well desirved in my opinon. What was his response to that?
Happy Thanksgiving even though mine has already past.(Canada)
I think that your dad has a good point, to some degree.

Smoking weed is a problem for your life.

If you didn't smoke weed there are so many things you could accomplish if you didn't smoke it.

Maybe he jsut wants better for his son. I smoke weed I do it every day, I don't want my children to though, if you go without it and never know you are better off in my opinion.
the way i see it is while you are living under his roof you are subject to hearing his opinions quite a bit. if you dont want to hear them maybe move back out. most people dont understand that pot is not that bad and they never will understand. i understand your anger and my father is the very nervous uptight person like you said your dad is. maybe you could have defended yourself and lifestyle without attacking his life. life is a bumpy road and we all have problems. i didn't want to hear my dad bitching at me when i was 18 so i moved out 12 years ago and have never moved back in. i am the king of my own castle and life. i also understand you said you moved back home because of your broken jaw. i am sure he loves you and thinks his bitching will help somehow.
Everyones family has its own problems. Dosent matter if you are rich or poor. He is probably focusing on you so he can forget his own. If you are blowing your money on weed that should be for paying bills, then I would say that you have a problem. If not you dont. I have a cousin that has a decent job, but he is always short on rent and his other bills because he smokes 4 packs a day (cigs) and they are not cheap anymore.
Lets say your a heavy smoker, with a good job.

So lets make a guess that you smoke half an oz a week. so thats what 150 dollars?

Thats nearly 8000 dollars in a year. Could you have more fun with that 8k than if you smoked it away?

Holiday, mods on your cars, a hobby getting out enjoying the sunshine with friends doing whatever the hell you want.

Instead most people who toke, spend 100-300 dollars a week on smoking maybe even more, you sit indoors to smoke it because its not legal. So you have a toke with a few buddies hit the playstation and have a few laughs.

This is where we have wasted our life away.

I've been toking now for over 10 years, so 10 years of smoking that 80,000 usd ive spent just on the weed.

Think about that, and maybe see where your dad is coming from.
Lets say your a heavy smoker, with a good job.

So lets make a guess that you smoke half an oz a week. so thats what 150 dollars?

Thats nearly 8000 dollars in a year. Could you have more fun with that 8k than if you smoked it away?

Holiday, mods on your cars, a hobby getting out enjoying the sunshine with friends doing whatever the hell you want.

Instead most people who toke, spend 100-300 dollars a week on smoking maybe even more, you sit indoors to smoke it because its not legal. So you have a toke with a few buddies hit the playstation and have a few laughs.

This is where we have wasted our life away.

I've been toking now for over 10 years, so 10 years of smoking that 80,000 usd ive spent just on the weed.

Think about that, and maybe see where your dad is coming from.

Thats pretty depressing NGT. If your saying that smoking has cost you so much and you have "wasted your lif away" Why don't you stop smoking weed? Why not be ambitous and get off your computer. I see you have 4,324 post and your "MR Ganja"
I dont think I could have more fun with 8,000 a year. You amount is correct (about a half a week) But What else am I going to do with the money honestly? Maybe blow it on video games? Women? Anything else? I see my hobby to be weed, and when I think about it I spend less on it per year then any other hobby. i.e. Dirtbikes, R/c, and a lot of other things to much to list. I enjoy smoking, then reading, and thinking. At no other time can I really stop everything and just think about things then when I have just smoked. Its so great and keeps me from having pointless material things and having to go out 24/7 to do something.
Lets say your a heavy smoker, with a good job.

So lets make a guess that you smoke half an oz a week. so thats what 150 dollars?

Thats nearly 8000 dollars in a year. Could you have more fun with that 8k than if you smoked it away?

Holiday, mods on your cars, a hobby getting out enjoying the sunshine with friends doing whatever the hell you want.

Instead most people who toke, spend 100-300 dollars a week on smoking maybe even more, you sit indoors to smoke it because its not legal. So you have a toke with a few buddies hit the playstation and have a few laughs.

This is where we have wasted our life away.

I've been toking now for over 10 years, so 10 years of smoking that 80,000 usd ive spent just on the weed.

Think about that, and maybe see where your dad is coming from.
i find this unexpected coming from a smoker. in all honesty it could be a true assessment for some but not all. i guess we all have our own point of view. i agree somewhat with you.
Thats pretty depressing NGT. If your saying that smoking has cost you so much and you have "wasted your lif away" Why don't you stop smoking weed? Why not be ambitous and get off your computer. I see you have 4,324 post and your "MR Ganja"

Who says that i still smoke half an ounce a week. These days my smoking has cut right down. My post count is high due to the fact that i've been on this site for over a year now.

I spend time a lot of time on the pc because i work from home on the pc. I don't have a structured work to go to every day, so i'm cool with my circumstances now.

I do look back on the amount of money smoking has cost me though and its too much
so what your really saying is that YOU spend to much on weed and sit around and waste your life away..that dont mean thats what all tokers do.....atleast not me..
and what do mean by.. its not legal so you just sit indoors and smoke??
personally i smoke outdoors more than i smoke indoors...thats why i love js (smokeable anywhere) doing normal things, playing frisbee golf, i blaze right there in the fairway.

sounds like its ruining your life, it just all comes down to how you let it affect you. I heard a great quote and ill always remember it....smoke reefer, dont let reefer smoke you!!!! my 2 cents
Well said!!! This is exactly the truth. It is his house that he is paying for and if he wants to have his opinion and not have it around him or his son, then he has the right.

My parents were also very uptight about weed but I moved out at 16 and lived under my own roof so I could live by my rules. Unless you are ready to do this then you are gonna have to honour and respect his word.
(whatever age you are now)
the way i see it is while you are living under his roof you are subject to hearing his opinions quite a bit. if you dont want to hear them maybe move back out. most people dont understand that pot is not that bad and they never will understand. i understand your anger and my father is the very nervous uptight person like you said your dad is. maybe you could have defended yourself and lifestyle without attacking his life. life is a bumpy road and we all have problems. i didn't want to hear my dad bitching at me when i was 18 so i moved out 12 years ago and have never moved back in. i am the king of my own castle and life. i also understand you said you moved back home because of your broken jaw. i am sure he loves you and thinks his bitching will help somehow.
Its easy to agree if you just see what you want to see.

Having been a hardcore toker for over 10 years and feeling like it was the only thing that would always be there for me, now i'm growing up a little and i've had time away from it, I can really see how much it can take over your life.

There are people out there that will smoke occasionally as a social thing, maybe not every day, but every so often they meet up with some buds and have a joint, thats cool, nothing wrong with that.

For me though everything except the last 5 months, i couldn't wake up in the morning without having a joint, if i went out somewhere and I didn't have any weed with me, i'd be looking forward to getting back to smoke one, you may say thats not me or whatever, but there are a lot of people on this site that would fall into that category.

It can rule your life, for me its all or nothing, if i have weed, i'll just keep toking till its gone, if i run out and have none, it doesn't bother me.

I don't think now though that I could actually have say an ounce of weed at home and keep it away without smoking it until the weekend came.

I hear what you guys are saying because i have been there, the point when you fully 100% believe that smoking weed improves that activities that you participate in that is does no harm, its no different to having a beer, well, having a few beers at 7 am every morning you wake up, is that a problem? Looking forward to your next one, is that a problem?

At what point do you leave the denial behind and realise that you may indeed have gone past the recreational stage and got to the dependant part.
I dont beleive to be dependent at all. I smoke basically the same amount Of weed I did before I had to go through this drug class bullshit when I got busted selling. I smoked everyday when I went to the class and they piss tested me to. It never came up positive and I'm out of the class now. I do not feel as If I am depedent on it either, Its simply something that I really enjoy doing when theres nothing else going on, or maybe before there is. Do I smoke before work? Sometimes yes, all the time nope. Do I smoke at work? Absolutley not I cant risk loosing my job! When I get home From work I will smoke before dinner, and then smoke a lot before bed so that I am able to fall asleep. I dont see myself as having a problem I'm simply using marijuana as what It is designed for.

, its no different to having a beer, well, having a few beers at 7 am every morning you wake up, is that a problem? Looking forward to your next one, is that a problem?

If you look at beer and Cannabis in the same category then yes it is a big problem. I do not believe them to be anything close to the same category. I drive perfect when I'm high, infact I drive better because I do not speed at all due to the fact of me being over rushed when I'm not stoned. When I didn't smoke weed I aquired 4 tickets within 8 months after getting my license. Since smoking weed I now have none and the tickets are cleared after the two years. CAn I drive really drunk? Fuck no, Can I drive really high yes even better then normal...

I also suffer from something and I do not know what it is. Ever since I can remember I just for the life of me cannot complete a task until it is perfectly finished.

Everything from school projects growing up as a kid, putting up new walls in my parents basment and not feel like finishing up and painting them, to building my shed that was so half assed i can't beleive it. I have tried to figure this problem out forever and some people might just say just fucking finish it but its not that simple, its like I start something and then my mind gets on a whole different thought so I just do what i was doing until its basically done, and then move on to the next thing leaving all the little shit that should've been done, undone.

When I smoke all of that goes away, I complete the task that I was thinking about completing and to the best of my abilities.

I dont spend 8,000 a year on weed either, If I did fine happy me. Most of the time I grow for free weed, and If I am not able to have a grow going I will buy a qp and sell it off to break even so I can smoke a little over a half.

I am very caucious with my actions of selling and only sell to a handful of trusted old time cub scout buddies haha
yeah i have a different perspective than most right now on toking. i have smoled since i was 15. i have smoked everyday since i was 18 and i am now 30. my granmother was low income and lived on very minimal money. she saved for years to leave me a modest 30 thousand dollars. when i was 18 i thought i knew everything. smoking and friends were my world. of course i was the one who worked and had money in my savings. and out of my whole group of friends who do you think had weed to catch everyone a buzz? ding ding of course they would smoke their shit up and always rely on me to catch them one, me being the kind, sharing person i am. do you think they remembered to ever repay me when times got rough, hell no. i did come out of it with some true friends though. i wasted all my money on bullshit when i could have saved it to buy a house. oh well that is life for you. i recently had to quit smoking for the most part. i have smoked half of my life like a rock star. but due to my new job i want to take care of my wife and family. my wife still smokes every day til all her weed is gone so we argue about the amount of money she spends on it. i have a perspective from both sides. although i do smoke a little here or there...... and i do mean little haha. 2 hits gets me stoned, i know i am a puss now.
yeah i have a different perspective than most right now on toking. i have smoled since i was 15. i have smoked everyday since i was 18 and i am now 30. my granmother was low income and lived on very minimal money. she saved for years to leave me a modest 30 thousand dollars. when i was 18 i thought i knew everything. smoking and friends were my world. of course i was the one who worked and had money in my savings. and out of my whole group of friends who do you think had weed to catch everyone a buzz? ding ding of course they would smoke their shit up and always rely on me to catch them one, me being the kind, sharing person i am. do you think they remembered to ever repay me when times got rough, hell no. i did come out of it with some true friends though. i wasted all my money on bullshit when i could have saved it to buy a house. oh well that is life for you. i recently had to quit smoking for the most part. i have smoked half of my life like a rock star. but due to my new job i want to take care of my wife and family. my wife still smokes every day til all her weed is gone so we argue about the amount of money she spends on it. i have a perspective from both sides. although i do smoke a little here or there...... and i do mean little haha. 2 hits gets me stoned, i know i am a puss now.

I'm with you here bud, I think you have to actually come away from it to realise your dependence.
Well said!!! This is exactly the truth. It is his house that he is paying for and if he wants to have his opinion and not have it around him or his son, then he has the right.

My parents were also very uptight about weed but I moved out at 16 and lived under my own roof so I could live by my rules. Unless you are ready to do this then you are gonna have to honour and respect his word.
(whatever age you are now)
thank you very much lacy.
For me though everything except the last 5 months, i couldn't wake up in the morning without having a joint, if i went out somewhere and I didn't have any weed with me, i'd be looking forward to getting back to smoke one, you may say thats not me or whatever, but there are a lot of people on this site that would fall into that category.
I dunno...this is a tough place to give advice or opinion. We don't really know the entire situation. I don't disagree with the aspect of under his roof, his rules. I think that's pretty standard. My assessment and interpretation of what you have said so far includes the following:

1. blowing a wad at anybody never solves anything except makes you feel a little better (very short term) because it is an expression of having some control in a situation where the control actually lives elsewhere. I say its short term cuz in time, the deterioration of the relationship, the immediate disrespect and painful attacks by both parties only further alienates each other and that's not a happy place to be.

2.blowing a wad (either his or yours) is usually the expression of a lot of other emotions often totally unrealted to the specific incidence at hand.

3. As has been said above - the moment anything starts to control you and not you it, its a problem. if there are behaviours and or circumstances that are negative for you as a result of your actions (watching TV or picking your nose or chewing your fingernails or smoking or watching pron, or smelling girls underwear...or whatever...), then there is a problem, whether you want to accept that or not. If what you are doing is having a bengative influence on you to have the life that you want...then its a problem. and if you want a different life then you have to change what you are doing.

A couple of quotes for you to ponder:

Sometimes we are forced in a direction we must go.....

you can't change anything by digging a deeper hole in the same place.

good luck and all the best wishes....I hope things can work out in a good way for you.:blsmoke: