question for the ladies....


Well-Known Member
I haven't had a real job in over 6 years, Im a full time father and I have various small income sources that add up to a decent amount of money, I don't really grow weed for the money but I could if I wanted to. Ive never had trouble attracting women who want to lock me down into a relationship despite the fact im essentialy dirt poor. Not all women are after a guy with a conventional 9-5 job so if you look hard enough you will find a chick who will love you for you and let you do whatever you want to do with your life. What really matters is finding someone your compatable with and who dosent try and change you to be something your not, trust me those chicks are out there and if ur lucky enough to find one do everything you can to keep them.
Being reasonably attractive and skilled in the bedroom dosent hurt either :bigjoint:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If I loved someone I wouldn't care if they were growing to make a living, however I would be concerned that if they were growing illegally and got caught the future would not be very rosy. But what the hell enjoy it whilst you can and worry about the consequences when you have to. :weed:
Please tell me this is you. I LOVE this woman! I've already lost one grandma, can i have her instead? Weed n scrambled eggs for breakfast, FUCK YES!



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
my question is this... would you marry/date a man who doesn't have a reg 9-5 job and just just grows weed for a living? yes or no and why.... :-P
Ok the correct answer to this question is obviously yes ROFLMAO! I did the exact opposite and my life still blew apart. So what I've learned is man plans and god laughs.

So I'm with Granny Weed, choose happiness and love and try to leave others better off for having known you and then keep your hands and arms inside the ride all the time the ride is in motion. But get on the damn ride ......