Question for the growers here...


Well-Known Member
Lets say, the world suddenly changes and pot is something you could by in regular retail locations. In fact, you could go onto and order from a wide variety of strains, read reviews, and get over night shipping.

Would you continue to grow? Would you grow more, and primarily smoke that?
Personally, the one stint I had growing, I loved it. I was proud of the work I put into it. I'd probably grow one massive plant, 6' tall, to have like a house plant almost...and not intending to flower and harvest it until I can fit it indoors anymore.


Well-Known Member
you better believe that I would still be growing my own. I'd grow it just like a i do my tomatoes every year. without a license, for free, under the sun, with huge yields.


New Member
when it is legal im going to open a club where i live.
kinda like a chill spot for all the heads of the area


Well-Known Member
ya man , I would still grow too. think alcohal, its sold everywhere in gas stations and such and people still make there own shines and wines and beers. the homemade is usually the best USUALLY. they'd be adding pesticides and chemical ferts and crap, like tobacco. it won't matter if it was government or privatized mass produced, and thats how it will be done. quantity over quality. I'm personally not down for that and I prefer quality over quantity.


Active Member
hi, I am from joburg south africa, I am looking to trade seeds with someone, can u just send them in a small box or something?


Well-Known Member
i would grow...i would rather smoke bud that i grew myself and put my heart into rather than pay what for other stuff. and no doubt if weed was legal it would be expensive...and the gov would tax the shit outta it