We need to bring back the zeitgeist videos, or how ever it's pronounced, that explains humanities blindfold created by the "sheep herders", aka, the men of extreme social power in the world, to create an artificial wheel of commerce, -the economy, to subjectly enslave a nation of people, but in reality, their system enslaves all nations by bringing it's currency to power, which creates dependency upon the powerful country (America/US) by the weaker nations(currencys), because once you've established a powerful currency that everybody needs to survive on, you can create dept by charging them what ever you'd like in any situation and choosing the price of their national resources (mostly their native food for agriculture, and if they dont have one desireable, they can provide labor through sweat shops to create all of our clothes, which we can get at the lowest price, everyday, thats the power of walmart

, or was that Home Depot lol, Walmart's is everyday low prices.
And you know how the rule is "it takes money to make money", the same applys to dept, "once your in dept, its easier to go deeper into dept" because once they have you, then they've got you hooked, and they can apply what ever interest rates and terms that they seem is fair, which means the most money they can take from you without you going bankrupt because they're over-draining you. It's like probation and parole, once your in the system, it fuckin sucks and you gotta jump through hoops while working as much as you need to to pay them off.
This whole system is called a dept system, and that is how you systematiclly enslave other nations and play them like puppets, and what they do is closely tie religion into it(christianity/jesus/the bible) so that peoples beliefs are interconnected to the system of dept, but we'll call it the economy, so that people have no real control over their lives(dept system) and must believe in "god" for all of their problems to be overseen and handled. You might of seen that in these touch times where unemployment is through the roof, and the dollar going to shit because wall street raped it and ran off with it the night before, that alot of people have gotten more religious and turning to "god" as a way to cope. I quotation "god" because they give you an idea of what you think god should be, like he's watching over your shoulder along side jesus with their swords drawn, or excuse me, they're one in the same, lol, sry sry, and they're combating the devil at every turn, who(the devil) is also, a conceived notion that they want you to believe," ooo terrorism is so evil, everybody wrong-doing us is the devil". An example of the hypnotism is George Bush(either one of them), after giving his speech on why we must go to war and/or believe in some kind of threat against us (the axis of evil lol) would always end it with "God bless America", like god is on our side and if we believe in his cause then we're doing god's work.
And i do believe in god, so not only is he lying to us about our spiritual duties( buy from walmart, lol; its like connect the dots, or 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon) but because he is giving us false exemptions of what being a good god believing, spiritual practicing, cencear human being truely is, by following his plan of world domination through the enslavement of others, while blindly being a consumer and joyfully going to church, which cant be too joyfully if your born with sin and spending your whole life not feeling worthy while trying to work/wash off your sin, he is in reality condeming us to a life un truthfulness and in all reality sin, so he's condeming us to hell, because people become so blinded that they have no reality of their own sin, or oppositely, their own virtue, and their own forthcoming.
You can exclude the last part about people's forthcoming (karma) and that what we do on this earth either effects us positely or negetively, but the American(which was England derived) dept system is as real as the computer that your using right now, and all it takes is a little looking around and doing some math to realize that situation, which is becoming more plaitent every day. And that's why the 2012 prediction stands in place, to serve as a blind navagator of human believe, they've tied it right into the economy, once you see it, the shit's kinda funny how korny it is, -how christianity and the US economy our one and the same. Have you ever seen the movie "Shutter Island" with leonardo decapreo, where every person on the island is in on the US government conspriracy to study/research brainwashing people during the 1940's-50's. The island is an experimental institute where they fuck with all these people's minds, but in the movie they take the literal approach and say that they use machines and devices to reach passed their eye sockets and fuck with their brain by "pulling the different brain cords and seeing what happens", but in reality its not literal, they brainwash through the elaborate maze(in my case, themepark) that is the human brain. And they also do not want you to know that the body has a huge effect on the mind, (body=mind), so they sell and advertise all the things at the grocery store, that is unnatuaral and systhetic/artificial and reaks havic on your body, because your body doesnt know what to do with it because its so unnatural that your body can only partially process/digest it, therefore it gets stored in your body, looking unapparent but it gets stored throughout your body, and that is what cancer is-when your body's toxicity level reaches high enough of the cancerous cells that it overloads your body and you gotta(but there are better ways) get it radiated out of your body, which is some really serious shit, talk to somebody that has had cancer and see how intense and unnatural the process is.
And that is where this whole speel comes to ahead and the reason why they make those unnatural foods at all. Because when you have a high level of those unnatural sugars/proteins, and whatever else they can extract genetically out of corn syrup/starch and caster oil, your body cannot think clearly because it must bring awareness to this poison in our body in the efforts to erradicate it out of the body. So when ever you dont want anybody to think, you'll put them on a all processed foods(Mcdonalds or whatever) diet, which is exactly what they want you to eat in these times where the dollar cant buy you shit at the grocery store cause everything went dramatically up in price, and the mcchicken remains at the low price of a buck. You do the math but i am here to tell it how it is and what is to come after the people of the United States takes back control of our evil ass government(thats why all the politians are jokes and dont get shit done) and we stop living for conveinence at the expence of our planet and ourselves, because that is what in fact they are doing, degrading us, i wouldnt be getting this point acrossed if they weren't. So for the first time in history, we will live free and be responible for our actions, and who knows, we might get to all pass blunts around to our friends in all 50 states. Because until we can smoke some weed to be able to become free thinking people, and stop eating all the horribly bad bullshit that they try to force us to eat, we wont be any more free then the nazi controlled germans.