I grow in the corn and Im pulling my hair out right now. I moved from western NY to Vermont and Im puzzled with wtf is happening w my crop. I brought a couple strains with me that finished the 25th-30th of September last year(perfect for corn) and I assumed they would do the same here in Vermont. I have over 200 out there broken up into spots of 14 that are beautiful but they still need 3 more weeks! Im crushed because I know they are going to start cutting soon. All this work, all this planing and my strains are fucking me. Everything was planted between the 5th and 15th of July, just like I do every year. WTF!! Im already worried about next year because I definitely won't be doing these genetics again. Problem is that if I get seeds from someone I won't be able to be sure of when they will finish here. My question is: how could a move only a few hours northeast basically make my plants start flowering 3 weeks later? How is this possible?