Question for English members? Please help


Ok, so I have epilepsy, depression, anxiety, anger problems etc.
all notified and medically stated with doctors.

So if I wanted to start a grow for my personal use as stress causes me to fit resulting in serious blackouts and seizure, as the grow is to help my health what would happen to me if police found my grow?

I mean I've smoked weed everyday for the past 3years I've never had police come to my door asking about the smell so why would they bother me when I'm hiding from them/not giving away any signs.

Also I already have a criminal record for possession of weed (got caught with an 8th) so would my growing punishment be harsher with my previous?


Have a look online (google), there are various factors such as number of plants, your yield, your income (if you look like a dealer and have expensive stuff they'll charge you even more), plus medical history.


Active Member
The Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) admits that tackling small growers is not a priority. they are not actively persueing non commercial grows as of this year.
talk bullshit, yes i am sure the british goverment will allow it even though they have banned smoking in public buildings and soon to be public places.
they have banned drinking in the streets and i am sure there is even a writ suggesting banning the total sales of all tobacco in the uk by the year 2032 so if you think they will allow cannabis consumption think again.


Active Member
Ok, so I have epilepsy, depression, anxiety, anger problems etc.
all notified and medically stated with doctors.

So if I wanted to start a grow for my personal use as stress causes me to fit resulting in serious blackouts and seizure, as the grow is to help my health what would happen to me if police found my grow?

I mean I've smoked weed everyday for the past 3years I've never had police come to my door asking about the smell so why would they bother me when I'm hiding from them/not giving away any signs.

Also I already have a criminal record for possession of weed (got caught with an 8th) so would my growing punishment be harsher with my previous?
only thing you can do pal is have 1 lamp, 1 tent, maximum about 6 plants* never tell anyone and never give any away outside close friends and family.
if your house is busted the police will have a dealers checklist which may look something like this.

items on premises.

amount of plants found : six plants*
total amount of weighed class b drug : 10.5 ounces or under 400 grammes
cannabis cigarette stubs : 5 items
digital weighing scales : NO ITEMS
drug debt notes : NO ITEMS
celophane : NO ITEMS
sealing bags : NO ITEMS
mobile phone or phone book with customers Names : NO ITEMS
witnesses : NO ITEMS
large cash amounts : small amount : £46.32
bank account check : small amount : £232.67
hand rolling papers : 2 Packets used
cigarettes : 1 Packet of 20 with 9 contents
smoking bong : 1 item used
cannabis smoking paraphernalia : various magazines.
cannabis growing magazines : NO ITEMS

can you see where i am going

this list will betray you if you have all or some of the items.

a lot of people have been jailed and insisted it was for personal use but the checklist which will be longer than mine WILL be used in court as evidence against you and this alone can send you to prison or keep you out.

nobody will even be listening when you stand in the dock complaining about your medical conditions.

if they catch anyone leaving your home with weed and they claim to have recieved it from you, or they test it and it is from your plants, it will be a different ball game then.

and if you are questioned by the police, you will feel nervous but only give your name, your date of birth and your address. nothing else whatsoever.
contact a solicitor right away.
the police will show you i.d. belonging to you from your address and will ask if it belongs to you.
your answer is " NO COMMENT"

you say "no comment" to every single thing they ask you.
they will try to be nice and get you on false pretence of being your friend talking about your kids, your work, your friends etc.
they will be going a roundabout way of getting you to slip up that you only gave your sister 3 grammes.
they are not your enemy but you must treat them as such for the moment.

6 plants* = average 2-3 ounce per plant roughly veged for 3 weeks flowered for 8 in soil not 6 plants that have 7 ounce each on them.

remember that your solicitor can use the items found or not found to your adavantage too !

better listening to someone that has had first hand experience. "Wink".

if someone finds out about your grow they may not report or grass you but will try to get access or burgle your property to get the treasure and even a friend can betray you inadvertently especially if you have four grands worth of top class dope on your property.
if a member of the general public has suspicions they will report it.

someone had a massive property in cramond edinburgh full of plants in every room, i wonder who! the property was quite a distance from the nearest walkway and a passer by (a snob) smelled what she thought was burning from the house she could just see beyond the trees.
she called the fire brigade who arrived forced entry and found a huge grow.

if the person walking by was a man of the world he would have turned the place over and emptied it, you get my drift.
luckily the house was rented cash up front with false id.
there was no conviction only a huge cannabis/equipment bonfire.