*** Question for computer experts ***


Active Member
Yep, just go through a proxy server. Go on google and search for proxy server. What ever website you visit whilst going through one of these websites will hide your IP address. Hope that helped! :mrgreen:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Yep, just go through a proxy server. Go on google and search for proxy server. What ever website you visit whilst going through one of these websites will hide your IP address. Hope that helped! :mrgreen:
Thanks but are there programs you can buy(software) that just takes care of it??? or would you have to go throu the proxy server each time?


Active Member
Thanks but are there programs you can buy(software) that just takes care of it??? or would you have to go throu the proxy server each time?

Unfortunately no such program exists though you could change your mac address. Even going through a proxy brings up it's own set of concerns because of the various ways websites query data through your web browser just simply going to a web-based proxy is not enough. Another alternative to that is called onion routing which involves mixing up the traffic within a group of people and have your data exit via someone elses connection. Here's some links for some onion routing and a proxy site.

Proxy - Proxy.org - The Proxy Authority

Onion Routing (tor) - Tor: anonymity online

Doing the standalone for tor takes some setup, if you have no idea what your doing then download this version of tor as it contains a version of firefox that is setup to use it. Even that is still not enough and the there is a bookmark within it that gives you some advice on fully securing. http://www.torproject.org/torbrowser/dist/tor-browser-1.1.0_en-US.exe

Note*** - None of these are fully effective as tor exit nodes have been hacked and whats to stop leo from requesting the information from the proxy and then the proxy giving up your ip? Not a whole lot so there you have it.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately no such program exists though you could change your mac address. Even going through a proxy brings up it's own set of concerns because of the various ways websites query data through your web browser just simply going to a web-based proxy is not enough. Another alternative to that is called onion routing which involves mixing up the traffic within a group of people and have your data exit via someone elses connection. Here's some links for some onion routing and a proxy site.

Proxy - Proxy.org - The Proxy Authority

Onion Routing (tor) - Tor: anonymity online

Doing the standalone for tor takes some setup, if you have no idea what your doing then download this version of tor as it contains a version of firefox that is setup to use it. Even that is still not enough and the there is a bookmark within it that gives you some advice on fully securing. http://www.torproject.org/torbrowser/dist/tor-browser-1.1.0_en-US.exe

Note*** - None of these are fully effective as tor exit nodes have been hacked and whats to stop leo from requesting the information from the proxy and then the proxy giving up your ip? Not a whole lot so there you have it.
I'm in the u.s.-----any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Is there a way to block anyone from seeing your IP address??? this is for identity theft and security...
Normally identity theft has nothing to do with ip addresses, since every computer in the world has an ip address. Knowing an ip address does not really mean much. There are two types of ip addresses, "real" and "fake". I will focus more on the "fake" addresses since most home users will have "fake" ip addresses if they have a router. A "fake" address is not routable which means that ip address cannot be seen outside of the local subnet or network or lan(whatever you want to call it). Which means when you are sitting at your computer accessing the internet the ip address of your computer never leaves the confines of your network. When you tell your computer to go to cnn.com it searches and cant find it, so then it asks the router to go look and see if it can find it. The router/modem has its own ip address that is assigned by the ISP, it is this ip address from the router that actually accesses cnn.com, not your computer. Once the router finds the site, all it does is pass everything back to your computer. The router is simply a middle man for you. It sends you the stuff you ask for and blocks the things you dont ask for. If you were to go ask cnn.com to see the logs it will not show your computers ip address, it will show the ip address of your router. It goes deeper than this but this is just a basic over view of how it works. I can go deeper if need be, but there are several other things that you should worry about as far as security and identity theft is concerned than your ip address.